I'm a pretty low key holiday person. I dont make a big whoopdedoo over holidays, except for my birthday. Which i celebrate like its the last day on earth. (i can't help it!) i do try to surround myself with friends and or family and try not travel to far from home. i usually end up in a bar of some kind, go figure.
10 things i did on xmas:
1. drank a mistle-to-tini
2. got felt up at a pirate bar
3. played rock band!
4. ate a bloody rare steak
5. made an ice cream cone for my sister
6. flashed my ex my cleavage
7. drank a joespher
8. told my dad he looked like Nick Noltes mug shot
9. smoked a cherry clove
10. smooched my pooch
yeah well not everyone roasts chestnuts by the fire in a fuzzy sweater!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
10 Things i did on Xmas, By Jenny DeMilo
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
6:14 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The sweeter the juice!
I love black men. I love big black cock. I love the way my milky white skin looks against their dark chocolate skin. It's hot.
I see black clients; I have no issues even though of the three times I was assaulted or robbed on the job two of them were by a black man. Even though every time I am approached and hollered at by a pimp, he’s a black man. I also see white guys, Asian guys and Hispanic guys… if you can pass my screening and meet my price and you don’t creep me out. We have a good time ahead of us.
Which brings me the point of this entry.
I don’t have to service every dick with a dollar. I’ve been observing an online lynch mob. A group of angry black men who are hammering girls who politely say “sorry I don’t see black gentlemen” there was a huge movement a while ago for girls to put their preference on their sites or on they web profiles as to not waste anyone’s time by turning someone away at the door. Several of them complied and got caught in the big trap.
Now they are labeled racists and being taken to the cyber stocks and being stoned by the angry black lynch mob. Many of these girls have tried to get out of the trap by explaining that they have past experiences which prevent them from being intimate with a man of color, some just say they are not attracted to black men and there fore wouldn’t be at their best, some of these women are even black themselves. The lynch mob doesn’t care about anyone’s rational or reason. These girls dig their holes deeper and deeper with every word that comes out of their mouth. The mob jumps on every word syllable or thought. They are a single-minded mob they want their dicks serviced and they don’t care about the girls doing the sucking and fucking.
The lynch mob is after them… they follow them around message boards pushing their agenda. Getting angrier at every post. They are mean, rude, angry, and they happen to be black. They call them whores, bitches, racists, and cunts. They speak with such venom that I’m sure they have turned even more women off to entertaining black clients.
I do understand where the anger comes from; it can’t be easy to be judged by the color of your skin. I know it’s not easy for me when I get judged because I own a pussy not a cock or because im a escort for a living. The irony that these men are so angry for being judged but in the same breathe they do to someone else exactly what they are so mad about being done to them. Whores are treated by them, as lesser beings and receptacles.
Their argument…. You’re a whore, you fuck for money, and you’re McDonalds you HAVE to serve anyone that puts the money of the table, just like McDonalds. To that I call bullshit
I wouldn’t fuck any of them with Aileen Wuornos pussy and I LOVE black men but I don’t have to service every dick with a dollar and I am not McDonalds.
I get to choose whom I get naked with. If you’re an asshole guess what? I’m not screwing you. If you’re creepy, guess what im not screwing you. If you say anything to put me off guess what im not screwing you. If you speak to me like you never attended a day of school and throw around the term “baby girl” too much, guess what im not screwing you.
My body my choice. I may be in a business but until I can reap the benefits of any other legit business, yanno like not going to jail for doing my job then I don’t have to abide by the state discrimination laws. Oh and to that I also say even McDonalds reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
I feel sorry for these women who fell into the trap of trying to be upfront. Now they are persecuted. Do I feel sorry for the members of the black lynch mob for not being able to screw a few whores, nope I don’t because I'm thinking they got turned down not because of the color of their skin but because of their piss poor attitudes. That piss poor attitude shows though in everything they say and do.
They are not being discriminated for being black they are being discriminated against for being douche bags.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
2:30 PM
Labels: McDonalds, message board, prostitution, racisam
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Who Knew I Was Betty Fucking Crocker
Who Knew I Was Betty Fucking Crocker? Pretty much any man who has ever lived with me. I know seeing me in my natural habitat these days with my broken stove and my empty fridge and shelves its hard to see that girl who turned down the scholarship to the culinary institute in lieu of art school. I cooked for years, elaborate fancy meals. It was creative, soothing and fun. I'm not sure when my love of cooking became the chore of cooking, 2 years ago i think.... now i never cook. I have put down my pots and pans and wooden spoons and i order take out, a lot of take out.
The food fairy delivers me scrumptious meals consisting of pad Thai or sushi. The pizza guy knows my and my dogs name, the local Italian place delivery guy sees me so much he mailed me a Xmas card and i have found 2, count them 2 Indian places that will deliver to me Tika Masala on a Sat night. Who needs a functional stove! besides i don't wanna bother my land baron with petty issues like my broken stove, she might realize she hasn't raised my rent in two years if i start demanding stuff.
I keep thinking about cooking though ... maybe in the new year i will cook again, or maybe i just continue to watch cooking shows on TV and think of cooking as a way to express my creative energy and not actually put it into practice. Why do when you can think ;)
oh and i love coffee cake. when i go to Starbuck's and get a tall mocha i usually get the fat free coffee cake. Trust me its better then the one with all the fat. I don't know what they replace the fat with maybe little pieces of spun gold. What ever it is its tasty! Because i cant stop thinking about cooking, here's a simple coffee cake recipe. Its good, make it for someone you love.
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/4 cup confectioners' sugar
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F and Lightly grease and flour a 9x5 inch baking pan.
2. In a large bowl, combine brown sugar, white sugar and flour. Stir in melted butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add vanilla extract. Mix in baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and ginger. Reserve 1/4 cup this mixture to be used as topping.
3. In a separate bowl, beat together egg and milk; stir slowly into flour mixture. Pour batter into prepared pan. Sprinkle batter with reserved topping.
4. Bake in preheated oven for 20 to 30 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of the cake comes out clean. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve warm.
Those that know me well know that i usually give out recipes that have booze in them but it's hard to come up with a booze soaked coffee cake on Xmas morning off the top of your head, so you will have to eat it with a Baileys infused Cafe Latte or 3
Bon Appetite
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
11:27 AM
Labels: betty crocker, cooking, recipes
Monday, December 24, 2007
One more tasty holiday martini! the Frostini!
1 part vodka
1 part Godiva liqueur
1 part Bailey's Irish Cream liqueur
splash of cream.
Combine all ingredients in a shaker 3/4 full of cracked ice and shake!
Sugar the rim of a chilled martini glasses with powered sugar and stain. Garnish with a Hershey's Hug candy.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
4:14 PM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
I have been remiss
Its the holidays, traditionally a slow times for the working girl. Since many of my clients are married or involved guys and with Xmas on the horizon many people don't have an extra 400-1000 to invest in a stellar piece of ass (like myself) business is slow. So i spend my days plotting new marketing strategies, playing with my epileptic pooch, reading bulletin boards and of course reading my favorite blogs.
There's just not a lot of fucking and sucking for me to write about right now. I have been remiss in the naughty exploits i know, I guess i could dig up some old encounter from my past like they guy who wouldn't stop saying my name over and over in one long run on sentence as he was fucking me.
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny!
it was rather distracting, but he was a Brit so i just brushed it off as an across the pond mating ritual, this southern California girl just didn't understand. Or maybe i could dreg up a good one from my personal life like the time i boned down with a couple hot, hung, Hollywood, up and coming, actor roommates for a night of "all about jenny!" who knew that i could handle that much cock .. oh wait i knew ;)
instead i spend my day prostrating all my Xmas shopping and i have very few people to buy for this year, family (which is small) and one sexy man i love. other then that my list is small. It's like a weird forced holiday vacation when all i really wanna do is fill my days with work to avoid another very special Hallmark Family Christmas Special.
Oh well, it is what it is. The work comes when it comes and i new the job was dangerous when i took it. Its probably good for me to take a little time off (even if its forced) and just be a normal girl for a while and not a naughty plaything for the powerful and wealthy.
Okay off to brave the crowds and to spend all my money on frivolous and extravagant gifts for those lucky few i love with all my cold and bitter heart.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
1:57 PM
Labels: boredom, jenny, prostitution, threesome, xmas
The party of the first part...
Chico has always been my favorite Marx Brother and not just because he's "Italian"
"you can't fool me there aint no sanity claus"
happy holidays everyone!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
12:11 PM
Labels: a night at the opera, chico, marx brothers, sanity claus
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Who doesn't love firemen!
The photographic evidence that i really did host a toy for tots drive and i really did go to my local fire station to drop the toys off.
The firemen were all really cool (and cute) and helped me carry everything from my car ( with their big strong fireman arms) and they were kind enough (and cute) to let me pop off a picture. so i lined them up in front of the truck (they were looking cute) took a couple snaps and then i said...
"okay now take off your shirts"
ya should have seen their faces!! it was brilliant! shock, surprise, titillation and i think the second one from the right really considered dong it!
The toy drive was a smashing success and hope to do it again next year. See i really am the hooker with a heart of gold.
Happy Holidays
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
2:22 PM
Labels: firemen, hooker, meet and greet, toys4tots
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
It's Party Time
I was the co-host for a big holiday party last night. This party was filled with hobbyists and providers and was also a toys4tots drive. That’s right it was for the CHLDREN damnit!
So I secured a hip Spanish restaurant on the east side of LA and my co-host the D-man went to work on the guest list. Considering it was raining cats and dogs we had a great turn out of horny hobbyists and hot providers.
The tapas were yummy and the white sangria flowed at least it flowed with me.
Even the sexy hot porn star CJ Bennett graced us with her presence. BTW she’s hot even soaking wet standing in the rain in her 5-inch platforms with mascara running down her face. yes it was that kinda party.
There was strange entertainment, a one-man band, a freaky Christian couple wearing a holiday sweaters who were singing “sweet child o’ mine” to a mock baby Jesus and a western honky tonk singer. Ahhh good times!
After was all said and done we only had two girls skip out in their tab (bad girls!) and we collected 6 giant trash bags full of toys for the tots. People were very generous and it seemed as if everyone had a good time meeting and greeting. I know I did.
As the night was winding down a group headed on over to cheetahs to watch alternative strippers with tattoos take it off and I went home to sleep it off, but not before getting pounded from behind by my hot and sexy date.
tomorrow i drop off all the toys at my local fire station. yay! firemen!
Merry Xmas!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
9:02 PM
Labels: hobbyists, holiday party, hookers, providers, toys4tots
Snow-Tini, it twinkles!
More Holiday Martinis! Nothing says Ho Ho Ho like a good martini ;)
1 ounce Goldschlager Cinammon
1/2 ounce of Bacardi 151 rum
2 teaspoons Kahlua coffee liqueur
Combine all ingredients in a shaker 3/4 full of cracked ice and shake!
Strain into two chilled martini glasses. Garnish with a couple of floated coffee beens.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
8:11 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Chris-tini... yum!
Nothing better then a holiday Martini except for maybe a holiday roll in the hay. Heres my version of the Christmas martini ... the christini!
1 tsp Peppermint Schnapps
3 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Dry Vermouth
Pour the vodka, dry vermouth and peppermint schnapps into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a mini candy cane
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:45 PM
There's no place like home
Its been a busy week in escort land lots of real interesting happenings, much of which I will be talking about in the weeks/months to come. Other then that…. I just got back from my crazy week in Vegas. Here’s a few exciting highlight about my trip.
1. played the village people slot machine at the Red Rock. Lost 20 bucks
2. Ran into other escorts in two different hotel elevators
3. Only 3 hours to drive to sin city
4. Offered to take pictures of naked cows
5. Free drinks at Ceasers!
6. Won 70 bucks on nickel slots playing “I dream of Jeanie” (thank you master)
7. Toured the Bellagio for the first time
I always have a fun time in Sin City for fun and mostly for profit. This trip was no different. I had a great time but i'm happy to be home.
Viva Las Vegas!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
12:29 PM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Todays deadly sin... SLOTH
I head off to Sin City tomorrow to work my ass off (really its true!). i have a lot to do. I'm not doing any of it.Instead I'm laying in bed with my epileptic pooch (more on him later) doing fuck all, procrastinating, not doing my laundry, not getting my hair done, not driving over to see my sis and mom, not buying a new sweater (since my fave took a walk one day and never came back) i spent the day yesterday doing much of the same. I think my motivation went somewhere with my drive and determination and they are having a threesome without me... bastards!
ladies and gentlemen its my pleasure to announce to you today's deadly sin....sloth!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
11:31 AM
Labels: procrastination, sloth, vegas
8 reasons why I love: The one, the only, the truly incomparable Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band
1. The uniform consists of a white fishing hat with red trim (and as many buttons as will fit), red blazer, black pants, and and "the ugliest tie you can get your hands on."
2. In 1991, the University of Notre Dame banned the LSJUMB from visiting its campus after a halftime show at Stanford in which drum major Eric Selvik dressed as a nun and conducted the band using a wooden cross as a baton.
3. In 1994, the Band was disciplined after nineteen members of the band skipped a field rehearsal in Los Angeles to play outside the L.A. County Courthouse during jury selection for the O.J. Simpson trial. The band's song selection included an arrangement of The Zombies' "She's Not There." During the halftime show of the football game against USC that year, band members drove a white Bronco with bloody handprints around the Stanford stadium track.
4. In 1997, the Band was disciplined for shows lampooning Catholicism and the Irish at a game against Notre Dame. The Band put on a show entitled "These Irish, Why Must they Fight?" Besides the mocking supposedly stereotypical Irish-Catholic behavior, there was a Riverdance formation, and a Potato Famine joke.
5. In 2004, the Band drew national attention for joking about polygamy, during a game against Brigham Young University. The Dollies appeared in wedding veils with the Band Manager of the time kneeling and proposing to each in turn as the announcer referred to marriage as "the sacred bond that exists between a man and a woman... and a woman... and a woman... and a woman... and a woman”
6. When traveling on airplanes en masse, it is traditional for LSJUMB members to mimic the safety instructions of flight attendants in unison, including hand motions pointing to exits and demonstrating the oxygen masks by putting airsickness bags over the face and inhaling and exhaling
7. Alcoholic "rank drinks", sneaked into the football stadium and drunk "in ranks", are as extravagant as possible and vary from good to deliberately awful. 1991 saw the debut of the "tuna colada", possibly the rankest drink ever conceived.
8. They Rock!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
12:49 AM
Labels: Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band, lsjumb
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Another day on the job
He was a nice enough guy but I knew right away this was going to be a lot of work. It was hard for me to get him to crack a smile. Maybe he was just nervous, I dunno. He was from the mid west and had ordered me like a pizza while I was on tour in a strange city.
We got down to it after pretty much no small talk cuz well he wouldn’t give me anything more then a nope and a yep. I finally said lets get naked. He was agreeable.
So I was sucking his dick … don’t you love it when stories start out like that? Now I’m a good little cocksucker but this dude wanted me to jerk him off while I was sucking his dick. That means with every stroke of my hand and bob of my head I was punching myself in the mouth. Ahh good times. Well that’s not enough; he then had to add in the play with my balls request. Okay do you know how difficult it is to find a position where you can hold yourself up (and your DD boobs) and not use your hands and then tickle his balls, jerk him off and suck his dick simultaneously? Pretty fucking difficult.
I’m enthusiastic and the price of admission is high so I always give it my best effort but this guy refused to cum. I’m bobbing and jerking and tickling to the best of my abilities and this dude is lying back and not saying a word. He’s not breathing heavy, not making any noise, he’s doing nothing to give me any indication of how im doing, he’s just laying there. I have ZERO to go on. His dick was as hard as a rock so I must have been doing okay but really it was like sucking the dick of a dead guy with a raging hard on. I stopped and asked him for feedback. “Is this okay” “do you want me to do something else” etc, etc. All he said was “it usually takes me a while” well apparently it takes longer the 45 solid minutes of me sucking his dick while jerking him off punching myself in the mouth until my lips were numb and tickling his balls while falling over trying to hold me and my huge boobs up with no hands.
He had only booked an hour for us to be together so I gave him the 10-minute warning. I asked him if maybe he could “give me a little help” and let him know that jerking off on my face (usually a show stopper) was an option. He looked at me like I had just asked to kill his Puppy and said no. As if touching his own dick would make it fall off or something. There was nothing left for me to do, I just said I was going to give it another try and some feed back would be helpful and that unless he wanted to extend our time together (while I prayed he didn’t) that soon I would have to depart. I went back to spiting all over his cock and slurping and jerking and tickling away. He continued to go back to giving me no feedback and lying there like a dead guy with a hard on. When the time was up I slipped my dress back on and high tailed it back to my 5 star hotel to put an ice pack on my shoulder and have a couple stiff drinks.
Usually I enjoy my time with my gentlemen callers but this guy was weird and left a bad taste in mouth. Not literally since ejaculation sure didn’t seem like an option. I don’t know why he ordered me up; it was not my most shinning moment.
I was a circus performer spinning plates trying to keep them all in the air at the same time but in the end I couldn’t spin them forever and they came crashing down all around my feet into millions of little pieces.
Running away to the circus isn’t all its cracked up to be
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
5:19 PM
Labels: blow job, cocksucker, escort, prostitution, spinning plates
The Girlfreind Exprience Or The Big Show
Being a GFE escort is a lot like being an actress. We perform for you or that’s what the general line of thinking is. I feel it’s something different. It doesn’t mean I don’t perform but maybe not in the way it’s normally thought of.
I have formal theater training in my background. I have been cut out of some of your favorite Hollywood films. I have danced in videos you’ve seen on MTV and been involved with prestigious summer stock programs. Shhh don't tell.
All this helps me in my life as a GFE escort. It also helped me in pitch meetings when I was in the nasty world of advertising, but I digress.
I’m a method GFE actress not so much in the way of Stanislavski but more Uta Hagen and the use of substitution. In fact I had dinner with Uta once a long time ago, purely by accident and she spoke to me about the use of substitution and it made a life long lasting impression on me. Not only that this great actress and acting coach would take the time to talk to a kid about her craft but that she spoke so clearly and from the heart. I will be forever grateful to her for that.
As a GFE I want to find the moment, relive the sense memory when I am being intimate with a stranger who maybe i'm not very attracted to. I have to find a way to make the attraction happen, if only for a brief moment in time. It’s a representational acting relationship between me (the escort) and my audience (the client). Much like an actor on film/stage needs to make his audience feel its real. So do I. Only I do it naked in Heels and sometimes with a cock in my mouth ;)
Finding the connection is not always easy and if I didn’t have my theater training I’m sure it would be much, much harder. I don’t usually put on the “big show” where I scream and moan and dirty talk up a storm (though im not saying that’s never happened) to me that’s not real. Its not who I am as a sexual creature. I leave that kind of performance up to the PSE girls (they do it so well!) I have a quieter more intimate approach; I need to find a way inside to make it as real for me as possible and especially as real and connected as I can for my partner de jour.
Though I will use tried and true theater techniques to get to my goal. Its almost second nature now I hardly even think about it, like Nike… I just do it.
From the outside in – concentrate on the physical and let my body guide me to the conclusion
From the inside out – think of something that invokes the feeling I want to portray and let that guide me to the conclusion.
It’s important to me that i'm in the moment, that i'm as real as I can be, as venerable and as open as possible when I attempt to make a connection in a physical/emotional way with a stranger and I usually do succeed, at the very least I try to.
See and here you thought it was just about the fucking…
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
1:04 PM
Labels: acting, escort, GFE, girlfrend experience, Nike, Pristitution, sex, Stanislavski, subsitution, uta hagen
Monday, December 3, 2007
Whore or symbol of female empowerment?
In the Roman Catholic tradition Mary Magdalene’s feast day is July 22 and she is widely regarded as a saint representing the important principle of penitence. Visual representations typically portray her as the penitent sinner, washing the feet of Jesus
But really what do the Catholics know? Among the escort community there is much upheaval on who was Mary Magdalene. Was she a whore or not? To most of the world she was, is and always will be a whore. It’s only been recently that the idea that she may not be a prostitute has been brought to the forefront of the public thought. Mostly due to Dan Brown’s book of fiction The DaVinci Code and subsequent Hollywood movie (which BTW sucked ass) Among escorts she is often thought of as a headstrong female, who supported herself without a mans help. A symbol of female independence and empowerment. Escorts have made her their personal symbol of whoredom along with Aphrodite who was not only the Greek goddess of love, but also the patron goddess of prostitutes.
For the current attempt to reform the image of Mary Magdalene to succeed, it must first overcome centuries of church and art tradition. The non-biblical image of Mary Magdalene as a repentant prostitute is an image that was officially sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church in the sixth century. It's that image that has been perpetuated by dozens of Christian paintings, books, other works of art and more currently big budget Hollywood movies.
How did this all begin…
For centuries Mary Magdalene has been regarded as a repentant whore. The inception of this was when Pope Gregory “The Great” declared in 591 A. D. that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. This is based on his own interpretation that Mary Magdalene and two other women: Martha’s sister Mary and an unnamed sinner in Luke’s gospel (7:36-50) were all one and the same person.
There is no evidence or references in the bible that specifically label Mary Magdalene as a prostitute. However any catholic knows it goes from god’s mouth to the Popes ear. To go against the Pope, is to go against God. There are many interpretations of the bible and “Gods word” that boil down to “but the Pope said” from contraception, to stem cell research, to homosexuality. One of the benefits I suppose of being Pope is God tells ya stuff he doesn’t tell anyone else and the catholic masses believe you when you make an interpretation.
Some 1,400 years later, in 1969, the Catholic Church officially corrected Gregory’s label of Mary Magdalene as a penitent whore. Well sort of, almost nobody paid any attention to the correction. The Christian community, by and large, persisted in regarding her as a former prostitute and still does. It’s only been 38 years since the correction. Add in the fact that the correction really was that the three women were not one and they same and the Catholic Church still leaves Mary Magdalene’s occupation open for interpretation.
I for one embrace the image of Mary Magdalene as a whore. I embrace the interpretation that she was NOT a repentant whore but a free thinking, independent women who not only supported herself but supported what was then radical religious beliefs and she did it with thought, mind and deed as she was a major financial contributor to the new “Jesus movement” according to the 8th chapter of Luke. There are those that believe the Catholic Church started this whole “Magdalene as a whore” campaign to smear her good name and to make her contributions less meaningful. I guess that could be true. It wouldn’t be the first time someone tried to discount a woman’s contributions by calling them a whore.
And it sure wont be the last
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
3:21 PM
Labels: Aphrodite, Catholic Church, Dan Brown, Mary Magdalene, Pope Gregory, The DeVinci Code, whore
Friday, November 30, 2007
Very High Heels
Got hired for a photo-shoot and i took this "shoe shot" specifically for my blog. i love these shoes, they are my favorite shoes to photograph. more importantly i love to shoot pictures of other girls wearing my hot fuck me shoes. call it a weird fetish of you like but these shoes seem to take on a life of their own. go figure.
They are not much for walking in, more like wobbling but they look good on your feet and they look even better flung over the shoulder of your gentleman caller.
oh how i do love a good pair of fuck me pumps.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
9:14 PM
Labels: escort, fuck me pumps, heels, photography, shoes
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen.
I was checking my web stats and I noticed my blog was being linked to the small local message board I recently wrote about taking a break from. To my surprise (not really) a few of the stupider troglodytes were all up in arms about my blog entry where I was talking about how even though I wasn’t participating on that board, they just couldn’t stop talking about me
To prove how wrong I was, they linked my blog and talked, talked, talked, talked about me. Once again I am the main topic of their conversation.
Another whole thread dedicated to yours truly. This time they are stomping their little feet and holding their breath swearing up and down they don’t care one little bit about me or anything I have to say by posting about me over and over and over…. Oh the irony!
It did get me thinking though about one of my favorite things. The first amendment of the constitution
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
The most basic component of freedom of expression is the right of freedom of speech. The right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government. Freedom of the press guaranteed by the first amendment is not very different from the right to freedom of speech. It allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination. It is part of the constitutional protection of freedom of expression.
I don’t know if I would call my blog “the press” but it sure falls under the heading of ‘expressing myself though dissemination” and I really don’t care who doesn’t like the fact that I not only have the right to express myself but that I take the initiative and I actually do express myself and I will continue to whenever I feel like it. I am a patriot and those rights apply to me as well as those same troglodytes (and one nasty troglodyte-ette) only they choose to express themselves by grunting and scratching their crotches instead of by forming an original thought and putting pen to paper.
Yes it’s true, the first amendment is my favorite amendment to the constitution…. though I do have a little crush on the 4th.
Big kiss,
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
3:01 AM
Labels: blogging, censorship, constitution, escorts, irony, message board, the first admendment, troglodyes
Monday, November 26, 2007
In the future everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes
I used to be very involved in a small local provider and hobbyist message board in L.A. I recently decided to take a break. Not only because I have knowledge that it’s being watched closely by law enforcement but because its slant has became increasing anti female. I mean who needs to participate on a message board where at every turn you have to defend who you are and what you chose to do to a bunch of small minded woman hating troglodytes. It used to be a nice community of like-minded folks but without moderation and a lack of control and interest by the site owners it has degenerated into a microcosm of misogynistic slime and ooze. Who needs that? I know I don’t. I walked away.
It wasn’t worth the effort any longer, so once day I just stopped posting. I stopped pointing out the obvious, adding my humor, perspective and thoughts to a hooker message board i had been involved with for years.
It took about a week before people noticed I wasn’t contributing. Threads where started about my absence about two weeks into my departure. Little You Tube videos (amateurishly made) were created to discuss “where was Jenny” I was more the talk of the cyber town when I wasn’t there, then when I was there helping new people get acclimated, pointing new providers in the direction of safety information, posting my availability and sharing my unique point of view on being a online message board hooker.
I would occasionally read this local board and when I got an email from friends alerting me to yet another topic about ….me, Jenny. I would read and laugh. They didn’t have anything to talk about without me. They had theories as to what I was doing, where did I go, what happened to me. I wouldn’t have been surprised of there was a betting pool all about me.
Just this morning I was once again alerted to another topic about, you guessed it, ME. Too funny, it’s like im their god, their ruler they have nothing to talk about if im not there good, bad or indifferent… they are speechless, directionless and lost with out me. How sad is that.
Its like im Elvis, im legendary. Soon there will be Jenny sightings all over Kalamazoo Michigan. Apparently I made quite the impression that even after weeks and weeks if removing myself from participation that the main topic if conversation on this small local message board about sex for money is still… JENNY DEMILO.
The funny thing is that I have a pretty high profile. I am a regular participant on a national and well-known review board. I have this blog, which I just took mainstream, and my other blog that is directed at an escort audience. I have ads on national escort mall sights and I participate on other small local boards in other cities. I just stopped posting on THAT board. The one where they have contempt for women, where every other thread’s theme is ”bad whores, bad, bad whores” I really thought no once would notice my absence, I didn’t think I had that big of an influence on the people of that local board. I couldn’t have been more wrong. By removing myself and deciding to not participate I have elevated myself to a much higher status in those small minds and become quite the legend. More talked about, more thought about and more posted about then when I was active and involved… I really am a legendary on this nothing little board… and not only in my own mind!
Time to go buy a bedazzled jumpsuit!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
12:39 AM
Labels: callgirl, elvis, escort, famous, hobbyists, hookers, message board, misogynistic, money, prostitution, providers, sex
Friday, November 23, 2007
What's In A Name
Lot lizard
Lady of the evening
Working girl
Lady in red
Painted lady
Midnight cowboy
Pink pants
Yeah, i'm all those things and more. Did i leave any out? Does the name we slap on it make it any different? I'm partial to "hooker" however i more closely resemble "courtesan"
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:27 AM
Labels: escort, hookers, names, prostitution, symantics
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thank Goodness!
Things to be thankful for by Jenny DeMilo
I do this every year, sit down with pen and paper and quickly make a list of things I'm thankful for. Some years its more frivolous then others but its always honest and true.
1. 7 year olds with amazing reading skills
2. A man who loves me, no matter what i do for a living
3. Four walls and a roof
4. Cable!
5. Friends who text me at midnight to make sure i will have a place to eat dinner
6. Furry friends who chew up all my stuff
8. Miss Amy Gee
9. Vodka surprise
10. Diet Coke
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
2:57 PM
Labels: holiday, list, thankfull, thanksgiving
Monday, November 19, 2007
Break it on down
I get asked a lot “who sees escorts”? Most people think its what they see on TV streetwalkers like on HBO’s hookers on the point who see convicts who just need to bust a nut after being locked up for 7 to10. I guess thats one element but i've never experienced it.
In my experience it really breaks down like this …
90% are married or involved men. They are missing something in their relationships (intimacy, sex, variety maybe all of it) and they rationalize to themselves that it’s not “cheating” because they are paying for it.
The guy who’s crossing it off their list of things to do, like skydiving. If it were legal he’d go once in a while. He’s usually single and in a dating dry spell. The casual user ;)
The guys who would never get laid without it. Nice guys, NO game. They are uncomfortable around women; they don’t look you in the eye. They will never be the guys who pick up the tasty piece of ass at the bar. So he rents her by the hour.
Then there’s the ones that I do my best to screen out. They always need to tell you how attractive they are. They make a point of letting you know that they don’t “have” to pay for it and usually they're right. They are good-looking guys with lots of game and plenty of charm. They could go out and pick up hot girls every night of the week. They talk the talk and walk the walk. They call an escort because they are lazy. As a result they are resentful they have a “service me” attitude they are lazy lovers and treat you like a whore. yuck.
They are your brothers, your husbands, your fathers, and your sons. They are rich, poor and everything in between. They are of every color of the human rainbow All kinds of men hire escorts.
If they didn’t... i'd be out of a job!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Tools of the trade
I went to Vegas to work for the first time this past October. I was very nervous as i usually stick close to my comfort zone and hence close to home, but it was time to branch out and try new things. so i headed to sin city in hopes of working my ass off (litteraly) and making a fist full of dough.
My trip was good, it was good enough that i will be back every couple of months. I was fresh meat,, the new face, the new girl on the block, i now understand why girls travel. you show up, you're new and everyone wants to break off a piece of you.
who was i to deny them their fun.
since i was there to shoot pictures as well as bring smiles to strange men's faces i had all my photo gear with me. I shot this bra and rubber picture as my clothes were laid out on my bed for my evenings adventure being a naughty, naughty girl and a dirty whore.
hot and sexy black bra to contain my luscious double D's and lifestyle condoms or as i like to call them ...
my tools of the trade...
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
7:26 PM
Labels: bra, condom, lacey, lifestyles, lingerie, photography, raincoat, rubber, sexy, tools, vegas
Thursday, November 15, 2007
How to get in my pants without paying
I get this a lot. “ Yo baby we should hook up” umm okay, pass my screening and how much time do you want to pay for? oh you don’t want to pay for my time? You just want me to give it away to you for free… Why, cuz you’re special?
Here’s a handy, dandy list to help you see if you qualify for a tasty bite of Jenny sans greenbacks.
1. You must host, at your home.
-There is no way i'm meeting you in some hotel/ motel, your “friends” house, your RV or your car. No we cannot go to my place. I don’t want you to know where I live.
2. Your place must be clean!
- If your place resembles a frat house, an outhouse or your mother’s basement or if you have posters haphazardly pined to the walls and dirty dishes in the sink … I'm out!
3. You must be tall
- I’m a tall girl, so you need to be taller then me. 6 foot to 6’4. I will know if your 5’9 pretending to be 6 foot tall. I always do.
4. You must be hung
- I'm talking big, fat, long, thick 8+ tasty cock. Oh and its got to be functional with no help for the little blue meanie. Viagra is cheating.
5. You must be hot.
I mean Mens Fitness hot. Not quirky hot, not once was hot, not on your way to being hot. I mean head turning hot. Oh and no tude, if you act like your hot and everyone wants you, I wont.
6. you got to be funny, I mean really funny.
-If you can’t make me laugh in between rounds of you making me squeal with delight then forget it. Nothing sexier then a man with a good sense of humor.
7. Over 30 but under 45
-I have found that as pretty as you youngsters are you just don’t know how to fuck yet. And older dudes as much as I adore you and your long practiced skills I really need a guy who is capable of fucking more then twice a day. No your mouth, hands, and collection of sex toys won’t do. I need cock.
there ya have it... the get it for free check list.
You must possess ALL these qualities. If you do then maybe you could have a shot at a free roll in the hay with Jenny. However… I cant think you’re an idiot and only an idiot would ask an escort to fuck them for free without knowing her …
Big Kiss,
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
11:14 AM
Labels: airstream, escort, frat house, funny, hook up, prostitution, sex, viagra
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I used to feather my guneia pigs hair...
Maybe thats why this little guy makes me laugh.
really... how long till coconuts?
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
1:15 AM
Labels: coconuts, deadpan pig stare, guneia pig, icanhascheezburger
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I Dont Care!
Don't tell me how cute you are! whats even worse, don't abbreviate it in an email to VGL. Ugh i hate that.
I'm a freaking ESCORT. Do you really think that telling me you're a hot guy will impress me? Maybe get you a discount? separate you from the crowd? because it doesn't. It only serves to make you look like a tool when you come on to an escort that way. It always makes me dread further communication with you. reg flag, red flag!
If appearances mattered to me do you really think i could show up sight unseen on your doorstep and make sweet, sweet love to you? or fuck you 12 ways to Sunday? provided of course that was your preference ;)
Do you really think you're the only attractive man to ever cross my path in my life as an escort? i have celebrity clients (we all do) Rock-stars pay for my time, Authors of best sellers, powerful men who run empires on occasion pay for a tasty bite of Jenny D. Never once have any of them felt the need to tell me how "good looking" they were.
Appearances are deceiving and those that get too wrapped up in them are often deceived!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:51 PM
Labels: callgirl, callgirl money sex, escort, escort prostitution, handsome, money, prostitution, sex, vanity, vgl, vgl handsome
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Will you lick my armpit?
I'm sorry I don’t do that was how a responded, in my best little girl voice and my sweetest smile, trying not to give away the eww feeling that had just rushed over me.
I don’t think i've gotten that request before so maybe its not that I “don’t” lick arm pits, maybe I just didn’t want to lick this strangers hairy arm pit. I’m not sure.
During my 3 years working as an escort I don’t think i've ever come across this request before. Oh sure I get clothing requests all the time. If I can I always try to dress the part for the requested fantasy. As long as I don’t have to show up at the Ritz dressed as a pirate, peg leg, eye patch, parrot and all. Fortunately its usually just stockings and garters they are after or “dressing down” because they don’t want you walking to the door in Lucite 6 inch fuck me pumps and a skirt that barely covers your ass and put on a show for the neighbors. But will you like my armpit?… this was something new.
Is armpit licking some hot new fetish I am unaware of? Is it all the rage with some underground pit licking subculture? Are there huge armpit licking parties where people eagerly lick away? Is it the new safe sex? I used to think nothing could throw me for a loop after my 3 years of working as an escort, I thought I had seen it all but I was sadly mistaken on Saturday morning in a hip downtown hotel when the request was made…
Will you lick my armpit? Nope not today
Friday, November 9, 2007
Vote with your wallet
You hear it time and time again. You don't like a providers why of handling her business..
vote with your wallet
You don't like a providers price structure...
vote with your wallet
You don't like a providers website...
vote with your wallet
You don't like what a provider says in her blogs...
vote with your wallet.
Its great advice, providers are in this business to make money. Yeah you will hear the old "i just love to fuck" line thrown around and many of us do love to fuck but we are in this for the cash not the sex. the sex (when its good) is a bonus.
So you don't like provider or how she handles her business, vote with your wallet. Do not patronise her, do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars. It's as simple as that. if your way of thinking is the majority you will soon see that provider fade away or change how she does things because her business is falling off.
Don't dog her on the review boards at every turn and make an ass out of yourself, don't rant and rave and scream and yell. Simply vote with your wallet. Its easy to do and effective. Promote the providers you do enjoy, the ones who handle their business how you like or think they should.
Oh wait the ones screaming and yelling and ranting and raving like lunatics, the ones who feel so powerless in their own lives that they have to chase around providers on review boards and be snide and nasty to feel like a man with power, they NEVER vote with their wallets...why?
Because there is nothing in them to vote with, being an asshole is all those guys have.
Maybe those "hobbyists" (and i use that term loosely) need to start scrap booking that hobby is very affordable
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
11:26 PM
Labels: hobbyists, hookers, money, prostitution, providers, sex, vote
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I Fuck For Money
I Fuck For Money... but that doesn't make me less of a person.
I'm really getting tired of the self righteous attitudes of those that see/interact with providers. The men/clients/keyboard warriors that think because "i fuck for money" that its okay to treat me like less of a person.
I don't have feelings... how could i, i fuck for money
I have no family or friends who love me... how could i, i fuck for money.
I don't have dreams, hopes, desires... how could i, i fuck for money.
women who who fuck for money are not real. You can treat us however you want and no one will know its really YOU who's doing it.
You can seek your revenge on the high school girl who snubbed you, the checker at the market who wouldn't date you, the college girlfriend who fucked your best friend, the wife who despises you. all you need is a screen name and finally you can feel powerful, if only for a brief moment while your typing hunched over in the dark while your wife and 2 kids are asleep.
I have a big mouth. i speak my mind. i never mince words. I'm not very diplomatic... i just never have been. I was the 7 year old that stood up in a friends church and called bullshit when they tried to tell me that "all women were sinners" so now that I'm grown and have somehow ended up being a provider (a damn good one BTW) I need to change who i am to placate the same small minds and backward attitudes I've been battling all my life?
If i wanted to have to be diplomatic in my dealings with small minds i would have stayed in advertising with the rest of the corporate whores.
Yet i get labeled a trouble maker when i, point out the obvious, fight back or god forbid, speak my mind. I'm not a troublemaker, I'M A FUCKING MALCONTENT.
My name is Jenny DeMilo and i am a message board hooker
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
8:56 PM
Labels: hobbyists, hookers, malcontent, money, prostitution, providers, sex