When I first wrote a blog entry warning people not to believe everything on they saw on the Internets and that fake hookers walked among us, I didn't mean to start a firestorm. But that's just what happened. Who knew that so many legit, well reviewed, long time activists and respected members of the escort community also thought that the emperor wore no clothes, I know i didn't.
Soon after my article went up I was contacted and interviewed by Monica Shores for a story she was writing for Carnal Nation about sex workers who write about their lives and work and the accountability of bloggers. What happened after that, has taken on a life of its own.
I never mentioned who I thought the most egregious of the impostors was (there are a few) leaving the reader to think about reality versus fantasy, fact verses fiction. The whole point of the blog post was to encourage people to question and think for themselves. Giving away who the usurper was, would be counterproductive to my goal of trying to get people to use their noggins and THINK!
but to my surprise.. just like a terrorist bomber, she claimed responsibility.
My blog, twitter and brochure site were linked to her site, along with all kinds of nutty convoluted, backasswords babble, coupled with her responding to the quotes of mine that were published in the Carnal Nation story. Oh goody... web hits! Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth I welcomed my new twitter followers and crossed my fingers that the click-overs would bookmark me and come back and read again another day. Though I was pretty disappointed in the numbers. Having heard "Princess Cariboo" brag for so long about how many hits she was getting to her blog and how popular she was, I really had hoped for more traffic then I got. It was rather paltry compared to say the people linking my story about the bust in Houston (thanks fellas!)
I did however get a flurry of emails from people sharing their personal experiences of interactions with "Dr Charlotte Bach" and how they thought she was a fraud, man, cop, reporter, failed screen writer. It was pretty entertaining as these people never would have found me had Zelig not linked me and created an online scene. As I said before, I never said who I believe to be the biggest faker in the land, just that there was one.
Some have even tried to devise schemes like Mistress Matisse, she suggests that miss-fake-alot call in to Dan Savage - to what, umm prove shes got a female voice I suppose. Well hot damn! I wanna call into Dan Savage too, I've always been a huge fan of him and his work and If he hears my voice he will have to show the world that I am really Cinderella. We all know that Cinderella was female. Besides it's not like there any record of my previous work as a sexy voice over artist or podcaster to compare my voice or anyone who will recognise me as someone other than who I say I am. What a wonderful Idea. Where's his number!
Then I started getting the links... ahhh the links, truly golden. This story had legs and it was taking a walk. Let me share them with you now.
Kat Stories: This faux ho's life as a stripper doesn't ring true to real live working strippers.
There's a whole stripper forum discussion about her fake-a-bility
Seattle writer/professional dominatrix Mistress Matisse has her own take on why someone would pretend to be a sex worker... "for the attention."
Tasty Trixie: who brings up the most compelling argument pointing out Fakey McFakerson's position as a blatant unrepentant content thief. Acting much like a trick who thinks he's entitled to a freebie.
Male bloggers have even written about it calling this "David Hampton" wannabe "the worst kept secret" and writes about how on private message boards she was whispered about and laughed at.
Amber Rhea re-posted a quote from the Carnal Nation story to her tumbler
The first person to publicly question her and the most damaging accusation, bringing up her self proclaimed inappropriate behavior with minors
there are tweets too
Amberlily, Kat Stories Adora Cash Zoeynym Melissa Gira Vivian DaSilva Vivian Again Furrygirl Bubbles
***My favorite tweets (added 12/23) are from BluEyedCass, model and webcam girl *** ( it's her pictures fake-o-holic was stealing and passing off as her own)
It just keeps going and i'd be surprised if this was the end of it. People have been discussing this Pierre Plantard in their private circles for a while and its just bubbling to the surface now. Is this the only fake hooker out there running around the innertubes screaming "look at me, look at me"? Naw, but she is the one that got the furthest in the charade in a long time.
Writing the truth of sex work is hard. It's not all fun and games until someone loses an eye. It's a roller coaster of emotions, it's complex and challenging. It's not a flat one trick pony of nymphomaniac fantasies... no matter what some wanna be Michael Sabo would lead you to believe.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
"Can you tell which thing is not like the others"
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
12:51 AM
Labels: escort prostitution, escorts, faux ho, hoax, sex workers
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Meet and Greets- the new place to get arrested!
There was a meet and greet busted in Houston recently. (Yeah Houston was busted again). Meet and greets are like cocktail parties where potential clients and working escorts can get together and meet and mingle. There are all different kinds of parties Many are very tame like your typical office cocktail party all the way to a full on orgy, though those are pretty rare these days and usually very hard to get an invite too.
The typical meet and greet is much like any other business networking get together. People of like minds meet at a public restaurant, bar, banquet hall and have a few cocktails and exchange contact info for get togethers on later dates. I understand why these are popular with the men. They get to see the girls in person, no need to interpret the photos on her site. Often girls who blur their face show up. The girls are there to gain new business. They will flirt with you and try to charm you into committing to book a session with them. So yeah they guys love them, especially the guys who never or rarely book with girls. Why book when you can go to a meet and greet play a little grab ass have the girl cater to you , flirt with you and charm you. You get all you need by going to the party. Meet and Greets are always full of lookie loos.
These parties can often have a theme, I for instance host a meet and greet with a toys4tots theme most holiday years. I didn't this year and I'm glad I didn't after hearing about what happened in Houston last week.
A Houston toys4tots meet and greet was busted and raided by the cops. A local Houston message and review board was infiltrated by law enforcement for 4 months prior and they busted the party. Peoples faces were splashed all over the news, girls and guys were handcuffed and put in paddy wagons (which are not fun like pussy wagons) and hauled away for attending a cocktail party. Now its not illegal to go to a party, its not illegal to say i like hookers and go to a party, its not illegal to say I'm an escort and go to a party. But the Houston cops had spent 4 months building a case against these people. Likely collecting salacious messages on the message board, reviews, naughty incriminating comments and the like.
My guess is there was some kinda raffle in place to raise money for toys for tots. I've seen this done on the small boards before when they are trying to raise cash for an event, person who is sick and needs helps, etc. Girls donate services, guys buy tickets, proceeds go to the cause. If you did that at a meet and greet to raise money for say Toys4tots.... will THAT would be prostitution and THAT is illegal.
I'm sure the bulk of those cases wont stick, especially of people keep their fat mouths shut and don't make deals to roll over or freak out. Its a publicity gag, it makes for a good story. How did the TV cameras get there to splash those peoples faces on the news? Why the police called them and told them to get ready for some good footage and a good story. It makes it look like the police in Houston are doing their jobs if they bust a bunch of consenting adults attending a cocktail party and bringing toys for needy kids! Way to go spending all those tax payer dollars Houston PD!
The concern is this though, its not hard to infiltrate any online community if you have a small amount of savvy and a lot of patience. I've been expecting it to happen and it finally did. If it happened in Houston, it can happen anywhere. Lookie loos have been doing it for years, of they can do it anyone can. As prostitution becomes more and more online focused that's where the police will go to make their busts and to keep their numbers up. Do you want your face on the local news because you wanted to play a little grab ass with a hooker or because you wanted to try to book one more hour appointment that week? is it worth the risk.
Not for me and i wont be going to any meet and greets for a very long time... I don't need to be on the news... nope not me.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:42 AM
Labels: callgirl, escort, hobbyists, holiday party, hooker, johns, meet and greet, prostitution, provider, toys4tots
Saturday, December 19, 2009
How to never get a reference from Jenny DeMilo
Part of being an escort that cares about other escorts safety is being reference friendly. What that means is an escort will ask a potential client for another lady he's visited to vouch for him. The potential client gives the new lady the contact info of the lady vouching him and then she emails her asking for the reference.
I've been reference friendly since I began as an escort, I'm always happy to help a lady and a client out by doing my part to keep everyone safe. I rarely have an issue, the ladies I've dealt with when I requested a reference have pretty much been polite, responsive and friendly. Of course I know that they are doing me a personal favor by giving me the reference and I make sure when contacting them that I show my appreciation, making sure to give them all the info they will need, including my own so they can verify my legitimacy. Making it as easily as possible for them. They are not required to do me this favor and taking that approach has worked like a charm. I pretty much never have issue getting references from other escorts.
When giving out a reference I have on a few occasions had to ask ladies for additional information but not very often. Usually its from a new girl. I just ask for more info, she gets to me then I'm able to help her out. I never give a reference if I'm not 100% sure of who shes asking about. Which brings me to today's issue. I finally had my first problem trying to help another girl out with a reference. Yeah i said in giving another girl a reference I had an issue trying to help her out.
Some escort emailed me asking for a reference, I was not at home where I could access the info she needed but I wrote her back right away from my iPhone telling her I wasn't near the info and that id get it to her as soon as I was able to get back home. When I got home I was able to verify the info and give her the reference. So I got back to her with the thumbs up on the client in less then 5 hours.
Next I hear from my client that he had used me as a reference but the girl was saying I never got back to her and was there an issue with me vouching for him? Since i had responded to the only reference i got for him, I asked him to tell her to send in the request again. I was the same girl she sent in another request and this time I cc'd the client with my vouch so he would know I got back to her. This time I was able to get her the reference within the hour.
Today a week later, I heard from her a third time asking her if it was my policy not to give references, as "a few potential clients" had given me as a reference and I hadn't gotten back to her. I wrote her back AGAIN and told her I had given her the references. I thought maybe her email wasn't working correctly because she had never responded to any of my return emails to say thanks (like most girls do) and i had cc'd the only client she asked me about and he responded so he know I vouched for him. I went to her website, filled out her contact form and told her I had sent in the refs and for her to check her hosting and spam folder.
I never heard back from her regarding the web form email, so i gave her a call to let her know there was an email issue. Not being anywhere near a work phone I had to call from a blocked number and figured if I got voice mail I would leave a message. To my surprise she answered the blocked call. it went like this....
ring ring...
Me: I cant this is Jenny DeMilo you asked me for a reference
Her: click
Yup she hung up on me. She asked me to do her a favor, then she hung up on me. I called back and left her a not so nice voice mail telling her to stop telling clients I didn't reference them that I had and her email was fucked up.
This whole incident really got under my skin so I waited a bit figuring she would get the voice mail realize the blocked caller was another escort she wanted a reference from and I gave her another call. She yelled again upon answering the blocked call and before I could say "do you want the reference or not" she hung up on me. So i called a third time left her a voice mail telling her she had a lot of nerve and to not ask me for any favors in the future.
Then the emails began from her. I swear this bitch is crazy, she sent me several chastising emails. Really? You ask me for a favor, I do that favor and you email me and scold me? So my response was short and sweet something to the affect of don't contact me again and ask for any favors, you crazy bitch, I might have suggested she get off the pipe too.
I don't know where some people get the nerve. I know a lot of cracked out crazy whores are attracted to this business but I usually am able to steer clear of them, at least I try to. This crazy ho took the cake. I thought clients had entitlement issues, this twat was worse then any client who thought I owed them something for nothing.
umm well you dumb cunt, I don't owe you shit your emails are now banished to the cornfield... fuck you and happy holidays :)
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
7:50 PM
Labels: call girl, escort, haters, prostitution, sex work, whore
Monday, November 23, 2009
"Fraud and falsehood only dread examination"
Since hookers are the new black and by that i mean it's almost acceptable to be a sex worker these days. There are T.V. shows, movies and articles written about us all the time now. Though its still not in the mainstream, it's a lot more acceptable then it was just a few short years ago when i started working. As a result I've noticed a new trend. Though trend might be an over exaggeration. What I've observed is fake online sex workers. Yes i said fake. What that means is fairly high profile "escorts" that are not real working escorts. They are made up figments of their creators imaginations. With a little knowledge, a little research, it would be easy to make up a very salacious prolific online persona that was a sex worker and that is just what some people have done.
It angers me and makes me laugh my ass off, when I see people fall for this shtick. It angers me because these made up persona's are setting themselves up to represent the profession I work in and they are not real. I work hard to give my honest account of the sex worker subculture and my place in it. To not sugar coat, sensationalize or glamorize what I do. I am as honest about it as I can be. When you see people who are just making up stuff out of thin air, being touted as "authorities" on the subject of sex work, when you see these sock puppets being as sensationalistic as they can be to draw as much attention to themselves as humanly possible.... its upsetting.
When you watch the blind masses falling for it, its often sad and hilarious. How betrayed will these people feel when they find out that hot sexy little minx they read the blogs of, follow on twitter or Facebook feel when its revealed that the "sex worker" isn't a sex worker at all but some made up persona who doesn't exist. Someone who capitalized on a trend that took the ball and ran with it and MADE UP a person? I think they will feel quite betrayed because they cheer for her, believe in her sexual freedom, encourage her to succeed and support her. They do get invested in her and she is not real. How much backlash will there be for us REAL sex workers when these fakes are eventually outed for what they are. For most sex workers who quietly go about their business it probably wont impact them much but for the activists who work daily to decriminalize and fight for the rights of sex workers and for a girl like me who does speak to the press, does write honest accounts about her feelings of being involved in this world, there will be just that much more work to do to convince people were not all drugged addicted, pimped out skanks, who cant do anything but spread our legs for a fast buck. That is the real disservice these fakes do. When it is revealed they are fake no one will believe that the intelligent sex workers who speak out...are real.
I was interviewed for the LA Times this summer. The reporter wanted to meet me face to face. I agreed after checking her and out ascertaining she was in fact real herself. She explained to me why she needed to meet me face to face, it was simple, she originally thought i wasn't real. She wasn't ingrained into the escort world (most reporters aren't) She didn't know how to asses someone legitimacy with reviews, screening services, etc.. she needed to confirm with her own eyes and a face to face interview that I, Jenny DeMilo was in fact the same girl who tweeted, wrote blogs and was in the pictures on my website.
She did this because she was a REAL reporter a professional journalist. That's why i will acquiesce to certain media inquiries where they require a face to face. I know that professional journalists don't just believe whatever the Internet tells them to believe and neither should you.
So think people. Use your noggin. Take the Woodward approach of needing two separate and reliable sources of information to confirm a fact. Don't be so fucking gullible. Anyone can say hey are anything on the Internet. Astronauts, race car drivers, pirates, Tom Cruise and in the case of online hookers there are plenty of fake ones out there making up the most unbelievable crap and passing it off as legitimate and real.
I wont even get into the motivation behind perpetrating such a fraud because the Internet is a strange and weird world and people do all kinds of crazy shit from behind the protection of their computer screens. And no, i wont tell you who i know these frauds to be. If you use a little brain power you can figure it
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
12:35 PM
Labels: fake, fraud, hoax, hookers, internet fraud, Media, pirates, sex workers, tom cruise, woodward
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Jenny DeMilo's Cleavage
Ive been taking some black and whites lately, mostly of my adventures around town (i post them often on twitter http://www.twitter.com/jennydemilo )I love the feel and mystery of black and white photos and moving forward i will be talking a lot more of them..of myself. I shoot most of all my own pictures and typically i use bright vibrant colors to accent my bright vibrant personality but I'm really enjoying getting a little moodier with shadow and light.
i shot this one this morning as i woke up with the light beaming in my bedroom window early in the AM. I know boys get morning wood, i however get morning cleavage.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:37 AM
Labels: boobs, jenny demilo, photography, twitter
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Porn Star Experience
Apparently i can provide a porn star experience. Now i know i usually tout myself as a GFE. I get personal and intimate with my clients. I'm responsive and present. Its what i do and I'm pretty damn good at it. Oh my last trip to Albany i was booked by a new client who was giving me to himself for his birthday. I wouldn't call him a "hobbyist" just a young guy looking to treat himself to some hassle free Jenny lovin'. The appointment almost feel though when when he saw on my FAQ's that i was a former Pro Domme as being dominated wasn't what this young man had on his agenda, as i was to find out. I assured him that there was a reason i was no longer a Domme and if he would like to be the one "large and in charge" in our encounter that i was cool with that. He took the leap and booked the appointment.
He arrived at my hotel, all 6'5" of him and i was quite pleased as its slightly unusual to have such a strapping young man cross my path, especially in Albany. I was even more pleased after the small talk was over and i was naked bent over my hotel bed getting slammed fucked by my new friend and his giant cock.
His telling me he was interested in being in charge was my cue to be the submissive fuck doll i knew he wanted. I don't always get into that kinda of session but i did this time. It was a bang brothers video reenacted right there in my upstate NY hotel room. No pussy was left un-pounded, no cock was left un-sucked, no face was left un-fucked and no stone was left unturned. I was properly screwed buy a cute guy with a large throbbing hot cock and i liked it.
The best part was that this young man was such a sweet guy, cute, and oh so tall. I just adore it when a sweet, respectful, NICE guy can tun you into a well fucked tart... in no time flat.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:37 AM
Labels: albany, bang brothers, clients, GFE, hooker, Porn Star Experience, PSE, sex, tour, touring
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Wet, Naked And Knocked Up
Shot naked pictures of Little Blondie over the weekend (i know shes not very blonde right now). My make up artist assistant and favorite girl is gonna have a baby. I'm excited that any day new a new member of my extended family will be born!
oh and I swear shes a virgin, you can tell from this picture!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
11:17 AM
Labels: dulce deojo, knocked up, naked, photography
Saturday, August 8, 2009
I might be a Whore but I'm not a Hole
The email came in like any other, a response to an ad i had placed in a city, in another state i was visiting. However i hadn't received one like this in a while...
"need you by 9:00 pm tonight. if too much bullshit, foreget about it."
Well where do i sign up! emails like this usually just go straight into the trash because lets be honest I'm not a hole don't i don't enjoy being treated as one. That's exactly what this email does, let me break it down.
1. no salutation or greeting- devoid of using my name ( to further dehumanize me)
2. a demanding i need you by 9pm tonight inquiry (with no mention of screening info)
3. "if its to much bullshit..." (again implies screening with be an issue, in fact it implies everything will be an issue)
4. miss spelling of "forget" (to much trouble to even run a spell check)
Those are just the glaringly obvious red flags on this play. This goes deeper, there are two types of guys that send these kinds of emails and its my job to figure which camp i think this little piece of email joy fits into.
1. socially unaware - has ZERO idea of how to speak to women let alone escorts.
2. men who hate women
lets take the socially unaware guys. He sends an email with no social graces because he has none. No greeting, no reference to anything i request on my booking form, no info about himself, no reference actually reading my site, he probably didn't. He saw a picture, he grunted and sent the email (well at least he didn't call) If i thought the email was in this camp i could send him back an email asking for more info draw him out and see where could lead, it could turn into a successful appointment but id be aware meeting this guy in person, he would also have no social graces face to face.
Men who hate women. He hates women and treats them disrespectfully even in an email because they are all whores... yanno just like his mother. To him escorts are just a hole and you never have to be kind or polite to a hole. You don't read a holes website to get a feel from it to see if you are a good fit, cuz all you wanna do is fit your dick in a hole. You don't politely ask if you are available on short notice by 9pm this evening because you are in a tight schedule, you send a one line demand and add the caveat that "if" its to much bullshit "foreget" about it and you don't even take the time to run a spell check over it, i mean why? you're emailing a hole not a person.
It was pretty easy for me to see this email for what it was immediately and which group Mr Charm belonged to and i responded accordingly - i refuse to be treated like a hole and i will weed your dumb ass out in a heartbeat. I might be a whore but I'm not a hole and i still have and always will have the choice as to who i will share my time and body with. As much as that chaps the women haters hides i don't care, even us whores have the right to refuse them and we do... all the time.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
8:52 AM
Labels: callgirl, escorts, haters, hobbyists, johns, prostitution, provider, tricks
Sunday, July 12, 2009
At The Mirage
I went to Vegas earlier this month and got a room in the newly renovated Mirage, for a super deal I might add. I took a couple of quick snaps with my remote as i always travel with my camera. I should have taken more because the room had this retro swagger to it. Maybe i will get the Mirage again when im next in Vegas... in September.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
9:06 AM
Labels: jenny, jenny demilo, photography, self portrait, vegas
Thursday, June 25, 2009
But, but, but .. you're a whore!
So I've been reading the hooker message boards and zeroing in on this months latest trend. Men upset that the "whores" wont service them. But you're a whore you HAVE to see anyone who will pay you. You don't have choices because you're a whore. You cant refuse me for being a entitled ass hat because you're a WHORE
whore whore whore whore!
I'm quite sure i know what it is a do for a living, i mean i am the one fucking strangers in hotels for greenbacks but thanks for the reminder. The real question is, what is up with these guys? Have they been refused by the "whores" a lot? doubtful, my guess is they are the guys who when they were young men maybe in high-school maybe when thy were a little older who's greatest fear with women was/is... rejection.
They feel powerless, they are not comfortable engaging women in a real way and have eventually found themselves in the pay for play game. Because they feel that when they pay they have the power and the fact that a WHORE could reject them is one of their greatest fears. To get rejected by a women who gets paid to be there is so scary to them that they go on a rampage on message boards to try to get though to these whores and their supporters they they whores shouldn't have a choice so that they will never be in the position to be rejected by one. So they act out anonymously on message boards because if they used their real"handles" they whores might not see them so they have to do it from behind a mask and berate the whores, incite them men who generally like the whores and stomp their little feet and gnash their little teeth.
if it didn't get so tiresome or wasn't so pathetic, I'd find it funny.
it can be hurtful no matter how thick your skin is to be denigrated by a segment of a community who really should be more supportive since they engage in the same activities be it on the other side of the fence. Sex workers are often terribly put down by society we are not accepted and its disheartening when we are not accepted by our own. it can grate on you and often does.
I'm sure I'm just being an uppity whore.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
7:59 AM
Labels: call girl, escorts, hobbyists, message boards, prostitution, sex work
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I once had a friend
I once had a friend, who's a "hobbyist" we hung out, i liked him, he portrayed himself to be although at times a little immature for his advanced, age a nice guy who's intentions and heart was in the right place. I couldn't have been more wrong. It often takes a crisis to really see what someone is made of. You learn more about people about how they act when they are confronted with an emergency then you do sitting at dinner after dinner with them. Call it the stress reflex if you like.
This friend had a personal crisis and i saw a side of him i never thought i would. Mean, unethical, lying, lashing out. It made me sad, but it also made it impossible for me to continue to be active friends with him. I cant be around that kind of toxic poison. I was also a little upset with myself for being taken in but his outward facade.
In this business we often want to connect with people who understand and except what we do for a living. Its hard lying to the people around you all the time so we seek out like minded people, this is more often then not a HUGE mistake. It has been with me on several occasions. I am not immune to wanting to connect with people who share my experiences and my free spirited attitude.
In this case this "friend"has passively aggressively made attempts to make me feel bad, hurt my feelings, bait me into arguing with him on various message boards and even backhandedly threaten my business model - wtf.
I will continue to ignore him as best i can. its not always easy but i will try. Maybe he will buy himself a young pretty girlfriend soon and he wont have time to bother me anymore.
or get run over by a bus... oh a girl can dream.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Clients 1-8. Im hitting Albany 22-26th
I'm going back out on the road.
I'm trying to arrange my life so i don't have to work here at my home base and by work i mean dirty, nasty, fuck and suck work. I'd like to do that just on the road and keep my time here at home in beautiful Los Angeles just me working on my photo career and then if escort work comes my way, so be it but i don't want to have to chase escort work on my home turf anymore. Those are lofty aspirations i know especially in these economic times but they are my aspirations none the less.
I'm heading out to Albany NY, that's right Spitzer country to see clients 1-8 and maybe 10-100 who knows... i could get lucky. I have never been to NY's state capital before as the last time i was planning on going i had to last minute cancel for family reasons. I'm excited about the trip but not about the air travel. Seems unless you own your own jet air travel from LA to Albany SUCKS ASS. Yep layovers, bad airlines, long travel times. So i will travel at night, try to sleep with the aid of magic sleep inducing pills and hope for the best.
A friend of mine Heather should be close to the area during a couple days of my trip June 22nd-26th so i get to hang out with her, that should be fun as shes a rad chick. I'm also hoping for another friend to come visit though i think that ones a long shot because getting to me all the way in NY when hes no where near it will take much effort. So as much as id like to play a little on this trip i will be working most of the time. Its also supposed to rain the whole time i there. Just as it gets to look like summer here in LA i go to NY where is rainy and gloomy. it figures.
I'm planning some other new and exciting summer destinations, since those aren't set in stone and will take a little funding and planning I'm not ready to announce it yet. But i will soon....
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
11:57 AM
Labels: albany, escort, new york, prostitution, Spitzer, tour, touring, travel
Monday, June 15, 2009
Lick My Face
I was lucky enough to photograph the wickedly beautiful and super cool Ms Justine over the weekend along with her little pet "K" we had a lot of fun running K though her paces and me documenting it all for Ms Justine's website
All i do is point and shoot when the girls are this pretty. Okay maybe i do just a little more, but not much... i swear!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
1:22 PM
Labels: Domme, lick, Ms Justine, photography, photoshoot
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I shoot myself
When i have down time on tour, i try to take a few snaps to keep my portfolio fresh. This was taken in a hotel in Chicago last week between bookings.
For those of you who last minute cancelled... see what you missed motherfuckers ;)
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:03 AM
Labels: chicago, jenny demilo, photography, self portrait, tour
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I am sure they are sour
The Las Vegas Weekly loves me - I did a interview with them and it came out rather nicely. I was able to not just spotlight myself but to give a little good press to this odd subculture i found myself in for the past few years. You never know when you do something like this how its going to turn out. If your long ass interview is going to end up a tiny sound bite or if they are going to paint you in a negative light, take a small statement out of context with the intent of pounding your round hole into their square peg, so i was rather happy with this result. I consider this quite an accomplishment I'm proud of it- i came off funny, articulate and interesting. Because that's what i am- big ups to the reporter Jennifer Grafiada for making me comfortable enough to spill my guts.
What i wasn't happy with was the amount of "sour grapes" my from people who were supposedly colleagues in this world. Yeah i expected a few haters, but from people who basically... hate me, not people who are all kissy kissy nice to my face. It was a bit of a surprise to see or rather it was a bit of a surprise to hear as the back channel chatter came around to me. That's right fuckfaces i have ears in the back of my head, i know what you said.
oh well for all those lovelies who took this opportunity to slam me behind my back like the bitch ass cowards that they are ....
You can suck it!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Play with Avery
Shot in DC May 09- Avery is hot, tall and surprisingly down to earth. I was lucky enough to shoot her in DC on my last trip. I plan on hanging out with her again when im in DC cuz shes so cool.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
11:56 AM
Labels: Avery, photography, washington dc
Sunday, April 19, 2009
A sex worker in Boston is dead. She was killed by a potential client who's it is believed has been robbing ladies in Boston for a while. When this young women fought back he shot her in the chest several times and left her for dead and die she did. This was in a nice hotel in the Back Bay in Boston. Boston is a city I've been to on tour and will go back to.
Some specifics: she advertised "massages" on Craigslist, she was a young and beautiful girl and by all accounts this was her secret life. Her name was Julissa Brisman.
They have connected this murder to two other robberies (one just a couple days after he killed Julissa) though i know this man has robbed more then just two women. Hes been on the radar of ladies in the area for a while, he is young attractive blond man of about 6 feet tall. And according to a CIA profiler i saw on the news hes on a "spree" he wont stop until caught.
Over a year ago really closer to two years now, in California there was a guy who was beating, robbing, choking out countless sex workers and leaving them for dead. He finally seceded in killing a girl in orange county. I personally knew one girl who was badly injured and knew though the web two others who were attacked and beaten. It wasn't really on the news, the local industry message boards didn't seem to really care and kept removing warnings about the guy with some lame excuse about protecting their own liability. Meanwhile girls were being hurt.
The guy was finally caught.
When the Boston story broke, It was the lead in teaser for my NBC LOCAL 11pm News here in L.A. The actual story was about 15 minutes into the evening news after the first break. They didn't say the girls were sex workers they said they put "racy" ads up on Craigslist. So that's how the media here in LA was first framing the story.
I found it strange that it was on my local news but not unhappy about the word getting out. I don't know why this story is getting national headlines, i don't know if the media is more tolerant of sex workers because in the last two years we've been more public. There's a major studio movie coming out about sex workers, (The Girlfriend Experience) Showtime had their second season of Secret Diary Of A Call Girl. Not to mention there are interviews and articles popping up showing sex work in a more positive light and not always as drugged out street walkers with pimps who are wearing their childhood abuse on their sleeve. Oh and of course prop K in S.F. That brought a lot of attention to the sex workers as normal people movement.
The guy in Boston was likely targeting sex workers because he felt that they wouldn't be able to go to the police. Also he had access to women alone he could over power. It's what we all fear and why we have safety precautions, screening process and safe calls. We have to know who it is we are seeing, there are many men out there who balk and are uncomfortable giving up their personal info and many who will berate you for just asking for it, they don't understand why they need to give up their info just for the opportunity to spend time with a pretty girl but Julissa's tragic death underscores why we ask for it.
Our lives could depend on it.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
9:13 AM
Labels: Julissa Brisman, murder, prostitution, sex work
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
The city that never sleeps...
So I'm heading east again. Washington DC and then my first escort adventure to wonderful New York City. Its true that i have spent time in Manhattan, much time actually. I considered moving there once back in my advertising days but ultimately decided i couldn't leave sunny and beautiful California. Its a city with a lot of energy and i shouldn't have waited this long to make my return.
I'm excited about returning to DC its a city filled with happy people these days, everyone seems to be in a good mood and that is a very good thing for a girl like me. Making happy people happier is easier then making cranky grumps happy. I will then work my ass off (literally) to make as many DC men as happy as i can. I'm nervous about NYC, I've never worked there, there are tons of girls i that city peddling here wares and i think there's a chance i could get lost int he shuffle. It costs me money everyday to be on tour, i have hotel expenses and back at home i have specialized dog care for my special needs pooch. so i have pretty lofty goals for myself, work wise. It will be interesting to see how it all works out.
I'm also hoping to shoot a few ladies while i am there as i never travel without my camera. Look out DC nd NYC im on my way....
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
9:17 AM
Labels: NYC, touring, washington dc
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
We All Shine On
I've always lived my life as if things were a Beatles song.
Everybody does have something to hide except me and my monkey, happiness is a warm gun and I really do believe all you need is love. Thinking this way has left me at worst devastated and disappointed when sadly i learned that not everyone thought the way i did and delighted and amused when my path crossed with someone kindred spirit who did.
As i got a little older i began to live my life as if things were a John Lennon song. I'm often crippled inside, I know it ain't easy and i am always trying to find someone to gimme some truth.
It was a funny little revelation i made on my birthday this year - i wonder do other people live their lives like they are lyrics of songs. Maybe they do any maybe they don't or just maybe they do but they are to paralyzed by life to recognize it. It might also explain my strange attachment to apples...
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
11:58 PM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Busted In Houston Texas
Another big escort agency got busted. This time in Houston. The last big bust was in Arizona. this time a couple was arrested for running the "prostitution ring" and it was another long investigation, 2 years long, that's long. The female owner called herself the "Heidi Fleiss" of Huston. lets hope not Heidi got busted for having a big mouth and has since fallen into hard, hard times and looks like she will never recover. Drug addiction will do that to you. I have always had a soft spot for Heidi, our paths have crossed much over my lifetime and though i would never presume to call her a "friend" maybe a long ago before i was ever an escort frenemy would be more appropriate title. I hope some day she really does get it together and can live the rest of her life out happy and healthy.
So back to Houston. Its funny because i was just doing some research into Texas for touring, and i was on the fence about going there. With ASPD the local Texas escort website being down for months after their hacking and the fact that rates tend to be lower in Texas i wasn't sure it was for me. Now with this latest news i know I'm not going to tour Texas. This very well could shut down Houston for escorts for quite a while if it really is as big a bust as the media is making it out to be. Az is a dead state and hasn't even come close to bouncing back after the huge bust there last year.
The backlash of this will be the "screening issue" the cops in Houston has this agencies client list. They are making much hulabalu out of it, its large (1500 names large) and as will all guys that can afford 350 a pop or more to see a hooker, its reported to have some prominent Houston names on it.
It makes clients or potential clients scared to screen in fear that their name will be on a client list in the future. Lets get a few things straight, when you use an agency to see a hooker, you take on certain risks, mostly the risk is of a bait and switch or upsell situation, because most agencies are not flat fee legit gfe agencies. However there are some out there and with those your risk is that they screen you to make sure you are not law enforcement or a crazy kookoo who wants to hurt their girls. Which they should do, that's good business and its safety driven. Here's the downside though, Agencies look like a tasty yummy dessert to Law enforcement. They love to bust them. They look good to their communities for "cleaning them up" and they they make a HUGE media splash, it looks like they are doing their job and earning their paychecks. That is a major consideration that most clients don't take into consideration when they call an escort agency. Its the one they should consider the most if they are worried that their name in the local paper on a "johns list" might i don't know... ruin their marriages and lives.
In contrast that risk is not something you take on when you give your screening info to a legit reputable INDEPENDENT provider. No police agency is going to spend 2 years of tax payer money spear heading an investigation into one little independent girl for a misdemeanor prostitution bust where she will be released in most cases on a 250.00 bond or ORO in 24 hours, provided shes got no warrants or priors. I'm not saying there is no risk, there is never NO risk in this game.The trick is to minimize the risk weigh the consequences . So if the consequences of your name being on an agencies "trick list" is too much for you then keep it in your pants and screw your wife or take a calculated lesser risk and see an independent escort with a good reputation.
yanno... like me.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:28 AM
Labels: agency, escort, hooker, houston, johns, prostitution
Sunday, March 8, 2009
There's no place like home
I'm home from my quick jaunt to Washington DC and still haven't gotten my body clock back to normal, this daylight savings thing isn't doing me any favors either. I missed the epileptic pooch and my little hipster love shack but I had such a great time that i am going back to visit DC again in a couple months. While there I went to a couple of great restaurants Marcel's where the squab was amazing and The Peacock Cafe in Georgetown and i got a tour of the Pentagon. Yup that's right i was lucky enough to get to walk around the Pentagon (with an escort of course) it was really a thrill to be there and see the largest office building in the world. Also well worth the fact that i know my info must be in yet another government database of some kind. I didn't get to do any real sight seeing like the White House or the Mall but i did get to meet up with some super sweet local girls one being the very strikingly beautiful Mylan for some nosh and a couple drinks.
My gentlemen callers were all really fun (especially the non birthday boy and my first timer i got to ruin... oh my, oh my) and i wonder is DC always like that? Is everyone always so cheerful and fun to be around or is it because of the new administration in town. Was it all doom and gloom over the last 8 years and now its like in the Wizard Of Oz when the house lands on the Wicked Witch Of The East and the doors open to a beautiful Technicolor other world. Even though it was amazingly cold and i seem to have brought snow with me again, like i did when i went to Boston. I still really enjoyed myself and had to stifle my canary eating grin every time my travel companions were cranky and ready to go home, I could have stayed another week without a second thought.
Oh DC i shall return soon but there is.... no place like home.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
3:07 PM
Labels: escorts, pentagon, touring, washington dc, wizard of oz
Monday, February 23, 2009
Chocolate City!
I'm heading next week the the nations capitol on my first working trip there. I've been to DC once before on a quick jaunt from from NYC for a weekend to see the monuments and visit the Mall. I did visit my senator while i was there. Yeah I'm that girl.
I'm excited because DC is such an interesting city with so much happening these days. I'm also thrilled that im pre-booking my naughty adventures which should make this trip not only fun but solvent, always a winning combo for me. Because i want to come back and get to know to DC often and it being financially rewarding will make that much more possible
I will be traveling with my girlfriends Audrey and Vanessa and what could be more fun then that ... ahh nothing! hot girls, nations capitol, naked fun. yeah its going to be a good time... i can tell feel it in my bones. Okay maybe i will be feeling in in other peoples bones too :D
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:34 AM
Labels: Audrey Trouble, escorting, tour, travel, vanessa monet, washington dc
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Girlfriend Experience?
GFE aka the girlfriend experience its much sought after. For the time contracted you try to connect with your client, be intimate, present and involved in your time together. That the job, that's what i do and i do it well. Sure i can deep throat a cock, fuck you silly and scream like a banshee but that's the easy part, finding the connection with someone in such a short space of time is a skill and one you need, to do what i do.
What i have found is that many potential clients not only expect that kind of experience within the context of the time he has purchased with you, but they now want it outside of it as well. What they want is essentially a defacto relationship of sorts. Not just a few back and forth get to know you emails which I'm always up for, i tend to be sweet but not to personal in those communication because that's how i am. I'm sweet but I'm not to personal with people i don't know well. If you want to get personal then book the time and i will be very personal then..and naked!
I had a client cancel on me recently it turned ugly and fast. Expenses were incurred on my part and the client graciously offered to reimburse me for those, then suddenly balked. It was uncomfortable and he was insulting. He sent me long winded multi paged chastising emails where he worked himself up into a massive froth of total wakadoo-ness. The last paragraph of the last email he sent me he actually had the stones to chide me on how i wasn't sympathetic to his personal financial situation. A situation that was responsible for his need to cancel our confirmed plans or rather it was his relatives personal financial situation, that's what i didn't care enough about. Yep that's right, i didn't care enough or at all about his siblings finances.
Now had this person been a friend of mine, someone i had a personal relationship with or even regular client who i had spent intimate time with i would have had sympathy for him and or his family. But i didn't because he wasn't a friend of mine he was a potential client, someone i had exchanged a few plesentries with off and on for a while until he finally decided to book time with me. He wasn't a friend, we had never broken bread, gone out for a drink or a movie, until a few days before he canceled leaving me with a hotel bill i prepaid i didn't even know his real name, i only know him by a message board handle and he was littlerly enraged that i didn't care about his siblings financial plight. yep that's a whole lotta crazy right there.
I know times are tough for a lot of people, I'm not immune to that, people i care about have been out of work for months, family members have lost retirements, every one i know is tightening their belt these days myself included. I watch the news, i know about the rising unemployment rates, I'm well aware of my Local economy taking a nose dive and how the housing bubble in my area busted over a year ago. I'm not unsympathetic to the general plight.. but... I'm NOT your fucking girlfriend. I offer a service, the girlfriend EXPERIENCE and of you want me to act like your girlfriend you need to PAY me to do it, i don't give that up for free unless i really am your girlfriend and for a potential client and long time hobbyist to throw a temper tantrum because I'm not giving him "free service" well ... whacka-doo is the word i have to repeat.
Within the context of my paid time with you if you want to lament to me about your siblings hardships i will be the most sympathetic person i know how to be, i will empathize with their difficult times if that's how you want to spend your time but until that time, i don't owe you shit.
I'm not your bitch...bitch
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:09 AM
Labels: GFE, girlfrend experience, hobbysits, hookers, message board, money
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A wild beast may wound your body...
Mean girls are abundant in the world of escorts. Frenimies abound. Its hard to find real friends who are hookers, sometimes when you think you have a real friend you don't. In retrospect you realize that's the relationship was draining and unsatisfying for a number of reasons, the least of which you were just desperate for understanding from someone who shares your unique experiences and ultimately got sucked in by some emotional vampire, with issue after issue. In the end you realize you spent the bulk of your "friendship" dealing with, listening to and fixing someone else's problems. I have seen this over and over with other women and i have lived it myself.
Lets face it lots of fucked up women are escorts, this business attracts crazy women. The lifestyle is fast paced and can be excessive, its a very hard business to say grounded in. No real hours, you don't live on a schedule, have no regular income, its feast or famine. Many girls don't have a real home and live out of suitcases, never having a place to call their own, a place to be responsible for. The transient effect makes vulnerable to crazy people down right looped .
I am like a magnet to those types of female friendships. I have to really work hard not to get sucked into situations like that. I fail often. In the real word when a friendship fails its easier to walk away, that's not to say its not painful but walking away is what most people do. You go your way, i go mine. When friendship with a crazy escort fails, you better watch your back. Because someone that has lost touch with the real world such a way as to not even be capable of maintaining the responsibility of a modest place to live, surly isn't capable of walking away from a broken friendship and moving on. No matter how much you hope they will.
They come back over and over like a bad penny... there are long standing feuds. bad feelings that last years, I've seen it destroy people. Eat at them up, hurt them.. good people too.
You might ask why i wrote this, yes i have my own personal saga with a crazy escort friendship that failed and try as i might to find a middle ground a way to coexist without there being constant conflict i find myself at a loss. I'm out of ideas. the animosity on her side is rampant and vile and mean. Ive said nothing about my struggle with this for 7 long months except to seek advise from the 2 people who i trust most. Both have tried to give me sound advice about letting it go moving on. Though how i accomplish that when I'm constantly having to ward off bad juju is beyond me right now.
I found myself tonight thinking back to my teen-aged Buddhist household and trying to employ the techniques i learned then.. like chanting for her happiness. I know it sounds silly but if someone is happy then they are not exactly likely to put in the energy to try to fuck with your life. So i did, i don't know if it did anything except to make me feel a little more in control of the situation. Then i sat down to write this with a clear head .
I guess i just need to be the ball more often.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
1:37 AM
Labels: crazy, escorts, frenimies, friendships, hookers
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Bite it
While in Boston in a snow storm, in a downtown hotel, wearing my lingerie, i decided to play around with my new wireless remote. This is the result.
doesn't it just make you wanna take a bite? of the apple that is!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
5:33 PM
Labels: apple, Boston, jenny demilo, lingerie, photography, self portrait
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Know your rights!
I came across this video today and its a good explanation of the 5th amendment and why you should NEVER talk to the police. I mean NEVER. Just shut the fuck up, politely refuse to answer ANY questions and ask for an attorney.
It's long but worth watching. There is very insightful information in this, pay attention!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:50 AM
Labels: 5th amendment
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Hit The Road Jack...
I decided to start touring earlier then i previously planned. I'm going out on the road in a few days with the ever perky Audrey Trouble. I got ancy and twitchy to get started, what can i say. So first stop is Boston, MA. I've never been and though it will be extra cold ( i mean extra, extra cold for a Cali girl like me) i want to try to get out and do at least one Boston-ish kinda thing. I don't want my first trip to be just seeing the 4 walls of my hotel... and a lot of cock. However I have no idea what to do. Should i see something historical, or go to a famous Boston restaurant, reenact the Boston tea party in my panties and fuck me pumps? I'm sure i will figure it out eventually. I know while I'm there I'm gonna take some snappies (that's photos to the unaware) of Heather Jana, local Bostonian hottie for hire, so that will be fun.
After Boston ... Vegas. Always a fun place for me. I'll be there the week after Superbowl plus it's the week of the concrete and tile conventions. That means manly men will abound and those types really do appreciate a dirty girl like myself.
After Vegas I'm home for a little bit and i get to spend some quality time with the pooch... oh and the main man before i head out once again to places unknown and destinations exotic.. okay maybe just destinations Midwestern.
I just hope i dont see a man on the wing of the plane, cuz that would be a nightmare at 20,000 feet.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
7:48 PM
Labels: Boston, call girl, escorts, prostitution, stitution, touring, vegas