There are rules for ad postings on message boards about hookers. They all vary to some degree or another but there are rules. Escorts must adhere to such rules or risk banishment and lose the ad venue or be subject to ridicule and public scolding by those tho know the rules inside and out. The rules are often hard to find.
I've been noticing a trend on several boards, Hobbyists (johns, tricks, clients whatever you want to call them) posting derogatory insulting comments on a escorts ad thread. The slant seems to be "you charge too much, don't you know there's a recession!!" with a good portion of "you fucking whore" implied though some don't imply the last part but come right out in say it. Classy.
A recession? really? wow i was too busy doing my nails and playing with my perpetually wet snatch to watch the news or pay attention to the world around me to notice, you don't say.
The escorts I KNOW all knew about the recession long before the disgruntled nasty comment backlash started or before the word was uttered on the evening news. Escorts are more tuned in to the ebb and flow of cash flow then any other business people i know. Seriously, they really are.
What amazes me is how these disgruntled message board cry babies think that by brow beating some escort trying to make a living by hanging her shingle out (the ad thread) will work. As if suddenly the lady is going to say oh yeas Mr. anonymous troll let me give you my services for free because i know how hard it must be for YOU out in the real world. As if WE don't live in the real world too. Its the sense entitlement i don't get. Not the disappointment that they cant afford to pay for prime pussy, i understand the disappointment. I get disappointed too when i cant afford something i want. I either forgo it or save up for it. I don't go into Tiffany's and bitch the sales people out because theres a recession on and they should lower their fucking prices because I NEED to wear that bracelet. When in actuality i don't. I can easily not wear it, just as these message board shit talkers can easily not fuck a whore.
They feel entitled to publicly bitch and moan, they try to get other shit talkers to join the fray, they try to get the lady to join the fray. If she does try to defend herself they further attempt to say "see that nasty whore doesn't deserve to get paid, cuz shes got a the nerve to defend her business" oh and they bash any male who thinks being a loud mouthed rude prick on a message board makes all hobbyists look bad.
I see this going a couple ways, its going to get worse as more men who used to be able to easily afford to screw escorts realize that they can less and less if at all, so the disgruntled will become more vocal. I also see the ladies not sitting back and taking it, its harder out there for everyone and yes that includes escorts. When you get limited access to advertise and that advertisement is sullied by some angry little man and his personal financial issues, it very likely will lead to more ladies not taking the high road and waiting for next weeks ad to go smooth but to taking on these shit talkers head to head.
So its going to get a lot
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Entitlement begins its consuming grind
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
11:30 AM
Labels: escorts, hobbyists, hookers, message boards, prostitution, provider, sex work, Trolls
Thursday, December 25, 2008
A Xmas Message ...Boobies!
The Midwest Teen Sex Show rock.. Consider this my holiday gift to you.
Merry Middle Moose Everyone!!!
H/T- Audrey Trouble
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:46 AM
Labels: boobies, Midwest teen sex show, xmas
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
Since i cant read you ALL a bedtime story, i thought id share the one that was read to me on every Christmas Eve
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
3:49 PM
Labels: xmas
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Jenny News Round-Up
I can finally relax and breathe and start to hunker down and concentrate on making cash by men happy, one at a time. Just in time for the holidays and the winter slow down and I'm roaring to go.. isn't that always the way?
My Annul Toys4Tots meet and greet and holiday toy drive is behind me - (thanks everyone for coming and donating) This year my co-host was the lovely Audrey Trouble and it was held at a hip pirate bar in Downtown LA. I will be posting a picture like i did last year of all the toys we collected and the firemen i turn them into (provided they pose again this year) it was a success in that we collected many toys for needy kids and that's always the point of it all now isn't it.
My first photo layout for $pread Magazine is completed and turned in on time - I will have a photo in every issue for a while well until they get sick of me. I'm super thrilled with the results of this and look forward to working with them in the future. I'll post the pictures here but not until after they are published and in print with $pread! I can tell you this they are super fashion and not at all would one would expect if they are used to seeing my glamour work. That's right its called expanding my horizons.
I'm also in the middle of a site redesign for my escorting brochure website. Its been 2 years since the one i have went up and well my site isn't that user friendly i have hired an excellent designer and soon there will be and all new look and feel to my goodtimejenny site. Its something I've wanted to do for a while and i finally bucked under. So keep your eyes open for that.
Thats all the news thats fit to print today...
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:09 AM
Labels: Audrey Trouble, photography, Spread
Friday, December 12, 2008
6 ways to save money, cut down on expenses and survive the bad economy.
The economy sucks and its affecting everyone from the local bartender to the local banker. Escorts are not immune, no matter what ratings seeking TV show you saw says. So here are some tips and tricks you can use to help survive a bad economy.
1. Be patient with unknowledgable callers and emails
We all hate the "I've never done this before" phone call or the email inquiry that's obviously sent by someone with no idea of what they are doing. They don't know the rules of the game, they ask inappropriate questions, they fumble and they frustrate the hell out of us. Be more patient with them, guide them, see if you can hand hold them into making the appointment, giving you the info you need without compromising your safety.
2. Do your own hair and nails.
Escorts are often expected to be expertly made up all the time. The nail salon and the hair salon can take a big chunk of change out of your monthly budget. Try doing your own hair and nails. If that's impossible and for some of us it is, then try doing your own every other time or stretching it out to once every 6 weeks instead of once a month. The extra change in your wallet with be worth the effort and living with the not so perfect nails every once and a while.
3. Stop eating out or ordering take out.
I'm a huge take out order person, i love having my dinner delivered to my door. I would get food delivered 4 to 5 nights a week if i could and i did. 3 months ago i stopped... cold turkey. I started cooking again. i have saved huge amounts of money this way. i stock the house with cook-able foods, i actually cook them. Also make a list before you go to the market and stick to it it will also save you money and the bonus is you get healthier too because you're not eating junk.
4. If you tour, buy your airline tickets in advance and on the "cheap days"
The cheapest travel days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Try to avoid the beginning and end of the week as that's when all the business travelers are traveling so its popular there for more pricey. Also try to plan ahead and schedule your trip at least 14 days out for less expensive flight tickets.
5. Pay off those credit cards! Use any extra cash to reduce your current debt.
It will only make it easier on you during the harder times to come to get that credit card monkey off your back. Try to avoid late fees and possible interest rate increases by sending in your payments 10 days or a week before they are due. Or do what i do, pay them online directly from your checking account. Hey it saves me 40 to 80 bucks a month in late charges and my FICA score is raising a couple points every 2 to 3 months too, for being so diligent!
6. Happy hour!
If you really need that once and a while outing with the girls for cocktails (hell i know i do!) try happy hour. Not only are the drinks much cheaper but they often have bar snacks and when you go out earlier, you get home earlier!
If you have anything to add to the list please do we all need to hunker down in these bad times and from what i'm hearing on the news every night, its only going to get worse before it gets better.. yikes!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
11:12 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Audrey's Blue Panties
A half naked girl on a roof top is always a good day.
Miss Audrey Trouble is by far my favorite model.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
8:00 PM
Labels: Audrey Trouble, panties
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hit the road Jack
So i'm starting to think about touring for next year. Ive done a little bit in the past but usually its to Vegas, which I've pretty much figured out. After the winter thaw this next year I'm going to be hitting the road once a month and going on short mini tours to different cities across the nation.
I have a special needs pooch i have to send to "dog camp" while I'm gone so I'm not going to do any 2/3 week treks but i will go out for a 3 days to a week every month and try out some new cities and see what i can make of it.
I'm nervous because touring means financial investments as well as time away from your home market (where i do pretty good) and you never really know if its going to pay off. You kinda have to jump in blind with both feet, rely on your research and hope for the best. I know girls who clean up touring. However the economy is changing on almost a daily basis so working smart is essential. I can not afford to go to a city and have it be a bust (not literally! i screen to avoid that!) So in an effort to make sure i don't screw it up and to waylay my touring fears i will throw myself into research and anxiety mode until March maybe April when I'm slated to begin city hopping once a month. That's right i will trade fear for anxiety!
Some places I'm thinking about visiting:
New Jersey/NYC
Washington DC (and surrounding areas)
The Carolinas
there's a few others but im still looking into them, if anyone out there has suggestions of good places to visit or touring tips and tricks... then fire away. I need all the anxiety relief i can get ;)
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
9:29 AM
Labels: call girl, escort, escort prostitution, provider, touring
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Lovely Nicole Rae
I was lucky enough to get an opportunity to shoot Nicole Rae. She's a fresh face in the biz and as sweet as home made apple pie. We had nothing but a few lights and an empty living room to shoot in, oh and i found this ball upstairs we put it to good use. I got great shots of the precious Nicole.
Nicole had never had done professional pictures before and she was a Natural, seriously a total natural in front of the camera. You don't run across that to often.
I hope i get the chance to shoot her again someday.
(*hair and make up little blondie)
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:24 AM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
For health and food, for love and friends
It's that time of year, it really does go by fast. I blinked and it was Thanksgiving once again. I tend to keep it low key during the holidays, being as the holiday season and i havent gotten along in many years but this year i'm traveling to the heart of the city to have a Thanksgiving dinner im sure can't be beat, prepared by my BFF, a hot little tamale with cooking in her soul and to be eaten along side good friends who never let me down and are always the height of entertainment.
Jenny's annul list of things i am thankful for on Thanksgiving:
Dogs who have seizures and winning grins
A man who loves me for who i really am
Land-barons who only raise the rent once in 3 years, and then it was only 20 bucks
Miss Audrey Trouble who couldn't be a better friend if i had made her up in my head.
8 year olds who make you listen to Hanna Montana on the phone
Getting through another year relatively unscathed
Good friends who don't judge and have an ear to lend
Diet Coke and ice cream with M and Ms
Barack Hussein Obama
4 walls and a roof!
...And of course it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without .....
Arlo's: Alice's Restaurant
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
9:49 AM
Labels: thanksgiving
Monday, November 17, 2008
All the lawyers in the house say.. HEY!
A blogger pal of mine is in a pickle. She is being sued by a former boss of hers for several MILLION dollars because she not so glowingly reviewed said ex boss on the innertubes. She now has to defend a defamation case and is at a loss for resources.
I like this girl, she's sassy, smart and never mean spirited. She needs a lawyer and a good one.
This could be a very high publicity case based on some circumstances i don't want to publicly blog about at this time, but if you are a NY state lawyer or you KNOW one who maybe wants to look into this and see if he can help my blogger friend defend herself against a malicious and frivolous multimillion dollar, possible high publicity case then PLEASE get in touch and i will forward you her info.
I hate to see the little guy get trampled by the big "sue for any reason" machine, i know there's a lawyer with a heart out there.... somewhere.
email me at
and i will put you in touch if you think you can help.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:25 AM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
"The margin is narrow, but the responsibility is clear"
I woke up early at 7am, feeling much like a kid on Xmas morning. Though i may to wait until late into the evening and maybe even into tomorrow to see if i get presents under my tree or four more years of coal in my political stocking.
I went to my local poling place around 9am hoping to beat the crowds, where 2 districts were voting which meant 2 long lines of people waiting to vote. My neighborhood is mixed. Mixed with hipsters and Hispanics. I kinda fall in the middle of that being that half my family is Hispanic and well I've been accused more then once of being a hipster (though i like to argue that point) it was heartwarming to see that my neighborhood had come out in full force. There were long lines leading out into the street, of young parents with their kids, hipsters who brought their dogs and large cups of coffee, along side of Mexican grandmas who still don't speak a lick of English. All lined up to participate in the democratic process.
I snapped a few quick shots while i waited in line for about an hour, spoke to my neighbors and even ran into a long lost friend who i didn't know lived but few mere blocks away.
(obama girl)
(kids, pets and coffee)
(polling place pets)
(long lines spilled out into the street)
(hipsters waiting to vote)
(the polling booth)
I even took a shot of my vote for who i hope will be the next President Of The United States Of American and who i believe will mend this broken country and who i hope will lead us back into being a country we can ALL once again be proud of.
I urge you all to go out and vote today, its your responsibility as an American and... it will make you feel all warm and fuzzy and we all need to feel a little warm and fuzzy sometimes.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
12:09 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Inspiried to act
As the latest presidential election comes to the finish line, i reflect back on my own apathy and disillusionment with the US government and my place in it. There was a time when i was very politically active. I was involved and felt like my voice counted. Over the last 8 years i have felt lied to, helpless and as if my one little voice didn't mean a thing. I was essentially told by my government that i didn't matter and they didn't care that i knew it.
This latest election i see people inspired to act. People who have very little giving anything extra, forgoing groceries and basics to help change the country they love for the better. Its brought tears to my eyes on a daily basis to see people pull together for the common good. To see people get out there and volunteer their time, to rally those around them to act and to be as inspiring as they are inspired. It chokes me up and makes me proud.
I'm an patriot, i always have been. I vote, even when i don't want to get out of bed, i feel its an obligation as much as a right. I registered to vote on my 18th birthday because it was important to me. I've been involved in local politics and school politics. I served on my first school committee when i was only 9 years old. (yeah i went to one of those schools) and I've begun to feel again like i need to be involved and that my voice again could matter.
So i would like to say a personal thank you to Barack Obama for giving me back my hope and for helping me once again find my voice which has had a terrible case of laryngitis for 8 long ass years.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
2:56 PM
Labels: 2008 elections, barack obama, hope, politics
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
suffering until sufferage
Today is the last day to register to vote in California, the lovely state where i live. Its important to participate in this democratic process of ours in this great nation... for more then a few reasons.
1. its your responsibility as an American to vote
2. you don't get to complain about election results if you don't vote
3. wont be eligible for the " i have voted" Jenny Special to be announced soon
Voting is Patriotic, its not just a right its a damn responsibility. Your vote can change the world and your voice needs to be heard. Your vote is the representation that this taxation gives you. So take the time today to go to the post office, libriary and fill out the little one page form or do it online if you cant get out an and register to vote. Then make sure you take the time to get off your lazy ass out on November 4th and vote your conscious.
The 19th amendment is one of my favorites because it gave women the right to vote. We've only had that right since 1920 when it was ratified on August 18 and that's not even 100 years. Women such as Alice Paul and Lucy Burns and Dora Lewis fought long and hard and it was a tough battle to give me the right to vote these years later and to not do so is to dishonor those women. So keep that in mind if you decide to let this Nov 4th pass and not perform your civic duty.
let your voice be heard, register to vote and on November 4th get your ass to the polls!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
9:26 AM
Labels: 19th amendment, register to vote, vote
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
I'm heading to Sin City the middle of next week with two of the best girls i know. Vanessa Monet and Miss Audrey Trouble. We are going there celebrate Miss Troubles birthday. Yeah so i know a birthday is but one day a year but this year Trouble is having 5 fun filled days of birthday madness. Others are meeting us out for the "official" weekend fun but us girls, or "the family" as Trouble likes to call it who will be heading out early to whoop it up fear and loathing style on the strip.
I being the pragmatic of the bunch will be attempting to work while i am there, hey i don't wanna disappoint my Vegas guys and not be available and besides i can party like a rock-star with the girls and get down and dirty with some new friends, i know how to multitask. Plus who knows, if its in the cards i might be able to convince one of the girls to join in on the dirty naked fun. ohhh now there's an idea.
I know the birthday festivities will include an evening of "Thunder From Down Under" Okay so my ex was a male stripper and fitness model so i have a certain ...ummmm... "view" about them having lived with one of those narcissistic freaks for a few years, but this actually sounds like fun because i will be with the most fun girls i know and we will all be looking to tear it up. Watch out big buff greased up men in little tiny itty bitty G-Strings the Hoe Patrol is on the prowl and we have you in our sites...
Wish Us Luck!
“Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas ... with the music at top volume and at least a pint of ether.” - HST
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
11:59 AM
Labels: Audrey Trouble, thunder from down under, vanessa monet, vegas
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Put A Rubber On Your Willy
I had a conversation with a male friend about his latest relationship going south. In the course of this conversation he mentioned how they had a pregnancy scare. So i asked "did the condom break or something" i then found out that birth control wasn't something he generally used. I was taken back a bit. I thought in this day and age everyone wrapped it up.
Skip ahead to a conversation with one of my best civvie girlfriends, she's been traumatic relationship free for about 5/6 months now and has been casually hooking up with many hot boys (a necessary part of getting over the old guy) she then tells me a rather torrid tale of her screwing some hot guy on her front porch after being out watching a band..... SANS CONDOM. I was pretty fucking pissed off at her. I reminded her that if she were to get "The Herps" all that casual fucking would come to a screeching halt, not to mention the likelihood of catching something more serious. She was generally sheepish about it but her rational ... its not easy to have condoms on you, or how expensive they are. excuses, excuses, excuses.
The other day i saw a client who tried to convince me to fuck him bareback. I refused, he was rather persistent, i still refused. It totally ruined the session, I couldn't get into it, i kept checking to make sure he didn't slip off the condom and try to trick me. I mean like every fucking 2 mins i was checking, I wont ever, ever, ever, be seeing him again. I told my best escort pal all about him, she was as pissed as i was about his bullshit and sympathised with my situation. We've all come across some nasty pig in a work situation who thinks they are so special that we will forgo our well thought out rules and screw them bare. As fucking if.
Are escorts the only sexually responsible people out there? I am very careful and sexually responsible not only for my own health but because i want to protect the health of the man in my life. But even before i was involved with him i would never think of NOT wrapping that shit up. Maybe its because i fuck for a living that I'm responsible about it, because ive been confronted with what i do and I've examined the risks. I've thought about them, I've thought about ways to to minimize them. I don't personally know any escorts that don't take precautions about their health, that don't get tested on a regular basis, that don't bitch and moan about how much they HAVE to spend on condoms, std testing, etc. It seems that my real world non sex worker friends are pretty damn casual about their sexual health, they are sleeping around (a lot!) and taking amazing risks.
Hey I'm all for sleeping around, I'm just for doing it responsibly. I mean how hard is it in this day and age to have a rubber on you and to fucking use it, i mean good god you don't know where that dick has been!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
8:50 AM
Labels: condoms, sex, sexual health, stds
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Pre-Occupied And Stuff
I've been remiss with my blog postings because I'm obsessed with the upcoming presidential election and focusing on that. I hope many of you out there in the blogesphere are too and are prepared to vote your conscious on Nov 4th. To not do so, makes you a very bad American. Couple my political obsession with the fact that It's fall and my escort business is heating up (as it always does this time of year) and the fact that I'm shooting like made for my day job and well, i know , i know excuses, excuses but there ya have it...
So in light of my neglect here are some things i thought i would bring to your attention:
Swop Chicago did a great little video about Knowing your rights as a sex worker. Its aimed Chicago providers but its got info that all sex workers should check out as well as some awesome role-play reenactments and rad cop glasses...poor bubbles
h/t Vixen of the Spread Blog
Sex workers in TJ are getting charged more for STD and HIV testing. its being called "immoral and scandalous" by Victor Clark Alfaro, director of Tijuana’s Binational Human Rights Center. It also could increase the risk of spreading STDs, as many girls may try to forgo testing to save on expenses. Think about that next time you wanna hop the boarder for a super cheap piece of ass
Both Brad Pitt and Google Step up in support of NO ON 8! the California proposition trying to overturn the the rights of gay couple to marry in California. If Google and Brad can do it so can you, NO ON 8!
Planned Parenthood says its received $802,678 in donations in Sarah Palin's name. The Viral email campaign started a couple weeks ago when emails started to circulate on how to make a donation to Planned Parenthood in the Name of the conservative VP candidate who doesn't believe in a woman right to choose.
You can make a donation at this link
Have them send the card in Sarah Palin's honor to:
McCain for President
1235 S. Clark Street 1st Floor
Arlington , VA 22202
On the subject of the GOP MaCain says "horseshit" during the debates which makes him the first candidate in a televised debate to use profanity.
On Bob Cescas Goddamn Awesome blog there is a particularly great comment by a deaf lip reader "FrictionSoul " who breaks it all down for you. Im all for cursing but not during a presidential debate. Does that mean when McCain disagrees with some head of state he's gonna go ape-shit lose his cool and curse at him? Yeah that's great diplomacy.
I prefer to leave my cursing for this blog and for when I'm getting fucked really, really good...usually from behind ;)
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
12:06 PM
Labels: Brad Pitt, Google, Horseshit, Planned Parenthood, Sarah Palin, sex work, SWOP
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So you wanna be a hooker?
Every time there's a big mainstream media article about Hookers i get contacted by young hopefuls asking for advice on how to get into the game of pay for play companionship. With Radars recent debacle (hipster hookers my ass) the amount of mail I'm getting asking for advice is off the hook. So to save myself from having to repeat myself over and over to inquiring minds i thought id share some of my words of wisdom, advice, warnings, ramblings or what ever you wanna call it.
My first bit of advice is: DON'T DO IT.
There are girls who have stellar reviews and long standing reputations who are not making ends meat right now. Wanting to get into the escort business at this time is like wanting to get into the employment game after 911, there is little work. The economy is bad and its an election year which always causes work to cease.
If you still want to brave the bad economy and heavy competition here are some things to think about.
Get a professional website: Make sure you have a stats package so you can see where your referring hits are coming from. This will be really helpful, you can see where you advertising efforts ie dollars are paying off and converting to clicks to your site. You want to work smarter not harder.
Get professional pictures: Makes all the difference in the world. Classy pictures attract, classy clients. Skanky pictures ... well you get the picture.
What will you do for money: Don't let anyone talk you out of your comfort zone ... ever.
Screen Clients: You need a way to be sure someone is who he says he is so you don't get into trouble and you need to make sure someone isn't scary to see. This is VERY important, always screen potentials. You need to become a JR private eye. You must be 100% sure of who you are seeing, if they don't screen, then don't see them. Never drop your guard no matter how broke you are. Don't get greedy.
Watch the competition: look at the ads for the girls in your area, see what they charge how they present themselves. Who do you want to be?
Treat it like a business: Be professional in your dealings with others. Investments of time and money are necessary to be successful, as with any business.
Keep your personal information PERSONAL: Be careful who you trust, its an isolating business, it can get tough, you often feel like you live in a bubble and will want to reach out to others in the subculture. Chose your friends wisely. This is a cut throat business and there are lots of people who are nuts attracted to it. You are who your friends are to some degree, someone else's rep can spill over to you. Someone with your personal information can really hurt you. I was outed, its not fun, it can be devastating.
Don't quit your day job: Living off the grid is difficult, you want to appear as normal as possible. Its tiring to be an escort and have a day job but in the long run you will have more to show for it.
Besides all that, i go back to my first bit of advice... I don't recommend ANYONE do this.
It's not easy money, you work HARD for it and it takes a toll on you physically and emotionally. It makes real interpersonal relationships hard... for most, impossible. You have to lie to the people you love and care about on a daily basis and that is a very hard thing to do, it gets much harder over time, living a double life is not easy. Its a risky business (emotionally, physically) if you insist on being an escort you need to work smart and minimize your risk. Not everyone is cut out to do this, you have to be able to compartmentalize your emotions, you have to be able to reject societies stigma, its not glamour and glitz, it has its moments but this is job and a job with real risks.
Escorts are risk managers, we have to be its how we survive.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:29 AM
Labels: advice, call girl, escorts, hipster hookers, hooker, prostitution
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Help me, Help Me!
I went to the Opera last night to see "The Fly". Its a new Opera based on the movie The Fly. The opera was directed by David Cronenberg (naked lunch, crash, the dead zone) who was also responsible for the 1982 film of the same name. Composed Howard Shore acclaimed film scorer (Lord of the rings trilogy, the aviator, ed wood, the cell)
I love The Opera. I know insert Pretty Woman joke here, but I'm Italian, very Italian... as a child Opera was often played in my home as i sat on the floor and built my Barbie Dream House©. I grew up with it and it resonates with me. I go to the opera whenever i can, but it's expensive and I'm spoiled. I like good seats, I like to dress to the nines and sip champagne, i go to the lectures before hand. That means i don't go as often as id like to, so when an old friend called me up to see if i was interested in being his date i jumped at the chance.
The Music was just amazingly beautiful and the story is a good one, mans struggle with humanity with a big healthy helping of love triangle on the side to round it all out.
This particular opera is significant because its something new, its based on a film, its macabre, its got sex scenes and best of all nudity! full frontal male nudity i might add. I think its a direction opera needs to head if its to invite new and younger people into its fold. This isn't a re-staging of the same old opera you've seen 100 times. It is a fresh take on Opera, a collaborative effort by ultra creative people from different mediums coming together to make something new.
Now the bad news, it falls flat and for two reasons. Its fatal flaw is the libretto written by Henry David Hwang. Is meandering and slow, it cops out going for a cheap laugh time and time again, really there's very little melody and rhythm in the libretto (in the words of Big audio Dynamite "all the matters these days is rhythm and melody"). To a lesser degree its doesn't push the envelope enough its as if they were afraid to offend the blue hairs with really going for a dangerous and macabre look into a mans horrifying transformation into a fly. Insect politics was especially disappointing as that could have been the crown jewel of the whole piece but again its as if the jockey was on the horse but refused to give its head so it choked before the finish line.
Oh well, i applaud the effort and hope this trend in opera continues. Plus i always enjoy spending time with old friends who know me for who i really am. I didn't have to be "Jenny" last night, i only had to be me. Add to that a little opera, a little champagne, a charming companion and I'm one a happy, happy girl.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
1:02 PM
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Do Your Homework!
Escorts get researched. Experienced clients spend a little time and effort and there are resources available to them to research a potential escort. Message boards, review sites, websites, blogs. Often he can contact her previous clients and get the real lowdown. Is she's really what he's looking for? Is she legit, does she have a reputation, is it good or bad, is she flaky, outspoken, fun or crazy. Is she independent, work for an agency, does she up sell, is she a GFE, a Pump and dump, or a high dollar hottie. He can view pictures, read accounts of trysts with other clients, etc, etc. Goggle can really be your friend on this one, there is a wealth of information to be had out there when you do you homework.
Escorts are a big ticket item, clients are laying down a pretty penny on the table, so you have to do your homework. It's is a common recurring theme, especially in this failing economy when you want to get the most bang for your buck. You hear it repeated over and over... DO YOUR HOMEWORK.... Some might call it a vetting process.
All of that got me to thinking about McCain and the GOP's selection of Sarah Palin, Gov. of Alaska as his Vice Presidential running mate. When the announcement was made the nation and the media was taken by surprise. Sure she was on the list but way, way down on it and the idea of a little know extremely inexperienced small town mayor and current Gov of a low population state was never taken seriously by any one with critical thinking skills. The general consensus was she was a far right wing fundamental Christen and that her inclusion on the list at all was to appease the fundie Republican base. "See we care about you, we included this far right fundie" so when the announcement was made, it made the Medias head explode (mine too i might add) no one knew anything about this person. So the press did what the press does.. They vetted her on their own.
Websters defines vetting as: "to evaluate for possible approval or acceptance"
I saw Tim Kaine Gov of Virgina on the Daily Show make a passing remark about the Dem's vetting him for possible inclusion on the Obama Ticket. He said they wanted to know everything about him, even to the point of the middle name of his first girlfriend. It sounded like a grueling but necessary part of the political process. It makes since though, much like how you want to minimize your risk when hiring an escort to make sure you make the correct choice, a political party wants to do the same thing in a VP pick. Only it's turned up to eleven!
So the Mainstream Media and the not to main stream began to Vet Gov Palin. One would think that McCain and the GOP would have already picked apart Gov Palin, from her personal life and her family life, to her record as a politician and previous work history. That they would leave no stone unturned, that they knew everything there was to know about Gov Sarah Palin. That they would be strongly prepared for her critics on any number of subjects because they already KNEW about any hiccups in her career or personal life. That they would already know about any possible weakness and be able to counter questions and reassure the nation that they knew she was the right choice.
No one lives a a perfect life and when the stakes are this high, when the future of the nation is at stake you would think that the McCain camp and the GOP would have done their due diligence on such an important matter. So that when the Media went to town to find out all could find out about this virtual unknown, that they were prepared to answer to their selection.
one would think.... that's not what happened.
It appears as if the GOP didn't vet Gov Palin at all. Sure maybe they "did a Google" but she's got a much more checkered political record then anyone would have thought. She's got family issues most notably with her unwed pregnant teen aged daughter, an ongoing ethics investigation into abuse of power allegations as Alaska Gov, she's connected to a Pentecostal (ain't they they snake handlers?) almost radical church that believes in the Rapture and advocates converting gays into heterosexuals though the power of prayer, shes NOT highly educated (5 colleges in 6 years) and is very inexperienced when it comes to politics. The GOP seems to be unprepared to answer to any of these inquiries. In fact in a 60 day campaign McCain spokes people have said she will not be speaking to the press for at least 2 weeks (they are spending this time to teach her the basics of foreign policy, OMG)
It seems as if McCain didn't "do his homework" he didn't vet his running mate and it's biting him on the ass on a daily basis. What scandal will come out today, about Gov Palin that the McCain camp wont know how to answer to because they are finding out just as you and i are.
A curious potential client would do more research on finding the right hooker then McCain did in selecting the person to be a mere heartbeat away from the presidency.
You gotta love the GOP
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:20 AM
Labels: GOP, McCain, politics, Sarah Palin, Vetting
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Radar Blows It Again
I was gonna leave this one alone on my blog since I've been commenting on it all over the innerweb on other blogs and on the article itself but I've been getting a lot of email so i thought i would pony on up with some thoughts on radars latest look into the sex for cash biz.
As some of you know i enjoy Radar Magazine, I've been Quoted in it, I've worked with a writer there on another possible upcoming story but the last couple of "hooker" oriented stories makes me wonder... what the hell happened to Radar? First they publish a mean spirited bunch of drivel making up a premises for Ashley Dupree's new reality series, written by top misogynist Alex Balk. He writes of the "whores" with such spittle vigor you'd think he had a personal stake in it, or maybe just not enough Mommy love as a child.
Then Radar publishes the latest bit of wonderment about the sex for money biz titled "Secrets of a Hipster Hooker" it supposedly a first person look at the high end hooker game in NYC, where the author crosses the line and attempts to turn a trick but runs out on the client in the end (yeah i know spoiler) I swear you have a more honest look at the sex for money biz watching Harold Robbins' mini series 79 Park Avenue. I've been all over the web commenting how this fluff and turn piece is just a bunch of made up BULLSHIT.
Other blogs of note are also commenting on Radars latest guffaw and have some interesting takes on the piece, making great observations. Susannah Breslin of The Frisky says "the realities of sex work are far too hardcore for most aspiring “hipster hookers” to handle" and she couldn't be more right.
Monica of the Spread Blog goes into depth and just tears it up, in the process makes a keen observation I think the idea of putting yourself out there as a (possible) consumable piece of merchandise is gratifying, and talking about in an article is in many ways an attempt to publicly confirm your fuckability
Even the Valley Wag gets into the mix, Melissa Gira Grant reports on it by saying "She went it at like a novelist-wannabe temp showing up for a stint as a file clerk".
Most of these tend to give the writer the benefit of the doubt and play along with her story as if its real. I still think its total and complete bullshit. Salon talks about how she wrote this piece and then shopped it around. I think they mean watched a lot of Showtime and did a little innerweb blog search, read a romance novel or two then wrote it and shopped it but hey thats just my take on it.
You think that any media outlet buying it would either...
a) Label it the fiction it is
But nooooo then how would they get their made up view of hookers. All of us making 300,00 bucks per year and keeping our money in gold bars (doesn't everyone have a stash of gold bullion?) carrying 1,000 handbags and having great high powered day jobs. All our clients are the wealthy, young, rich, banker types who lavish us with tips in original art work by recognized artists. Then once again they force feed us the same old tired bullshit to justify and explain why young ladies get into sex work.... its empowering. ahhhhhh BULLSHIT.
Peridotash ex-escort and current Domme has a recent blog entry where she asks sex workers the Three top reasons they do what they do.. No surprise the number one answer... MONEY. Empowerment is the fantasy justification as to why some women choose to fuck for money. Its the same old line of bullshit, "its not the money, its the sex", "I'm not money motivated...I'm just horny" :::giggle:: :::hair flip::: Anyone who has honestly talked to a hooker when shes getting off her 4th trick for the day and he was a smelly, small dicked, pushy, weasel of a man who kept tuning her nipples in like they were radio dials until they were sore, will tell you... that the empowerment angle, is utter and complete bullshit.
I have to hand it to Radar they really out did themselves on this one.. F minus!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
7:48 PM
Labels: escort, hipster hookers, hookers, prostitution, radar magazne, sex work
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Double, Double Toil and Trouble
Double sessions are tiring. Now you would think and i feel most people do believe that being as there are two fun, sexy, hot chicks sharing the "work" that duos would be less tiring then doing them alone, one on one. I am not buying into that urban myth as i sit here, muscles still sore for the last evenings activities. With a double session there are three bodies trying fit into the sexcapade puzzle and let me tell you its often very much like making puzzle pieces fit and that can be havoc on the bod. I mean have you ever tried to get your face upside down and your mouth on a mans balls while on your knees as your girlfriend/partner is blowing him and not get yourself smacked in the face by her bobbing head all while balancing in some half awkward squat, with a smile on your face like its really the bomb diggity? Then doing it again 90 minutes later with an even shorter guy and an even more strained position?
let me tell ya the dont call it sex "work" for nuttin.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
True friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes
I officially said good buy to a life long friend today, though in my heart there will never really be a good bye. I cried as people ive known since i was 7 and 8 years old stood up and recounted how my friend had touched their lives, i was way too much of a wreck to speak myself, I just couldn't do it.
He touched my life in so many ways and he was instrumental in my development as a creative person. I will never forget him and his influence on me is strong. I am a better person for knowing him but i am terribly sad tonight and my heart is a little more broken and beat up today then it was yesterday.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
9:44 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The first of pleasure...
Little sprinkles of light twinkle though the leaves and vines intertwined in the brown wooden slats that cover my tiny quaint multi-colored patio. Espresso made from real southern Italian beans linger on my sun kissed lips. I squint as the light is blocked by the man before me...
"il mio cuore è pieno" i whispered in his ear as he bends down to touch my cheek and his hand drops to my exposed breast. More of me was full a few moments back then just my heart but alas...i digress.
I lean back and think about the long summer days and how i got here on this patio with plump ripe grapes hanging above my head... and close my eyes and bask in the sun for a few more minutes before i have to dress for a fancy formal diner.
"non sono fatto con lei ancora" i say in Cosentino... your sly smile tells me you understand my broken Calabrese dialect and approve of my sentiment.
I am a very lucky girl.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:14 PM
Labels: calabria, Grapes, photography
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Gettin Phished
It happens sometimes, usually its some dim witted bacon and donuts type that thinks I'm going to express in a private IM conversation that i will do XXX sex act for XXX dollar amount. I wont on the phone, or email and they want to do an end run around, thinking that i'll some how incriminate myself in an IM. Good luck on that one. The men in blue have a specific way about them and I'm always extra cautious anyways, i find them out pretty fast. Plus they could never pass screening and i ALWAYS screen.
The other day i got phished and i first thought i was a a man in a uniform, but then it took a turn that made me believe it was someone just fucking with me, looking for personal information about yours truly. This person who was "new to the hobby"knew too much, for someone "new" they ask pointed questions under the guise of being a fumbling newbie. Like i would somehow give them some kernel of personal info i don't give out to potential clients. That i would slip up and give them the little golden nugget they were looking for... AS IF.
My favorite portion of this fleeting online conversation was when he told me how nice i seemed in an effort to butter me up when i was being a reserved, suspicious, non responsive, bitch. yeah dead give away...
oh well seems my "fan club" is still out there with too much time on their hands, i hope they enjoyed my bad spelling and bitchy attitude!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
9:49 AM
Labels: call girl, escort, hobbyists, hooker, message board, phished, prostitution
Friday, July 4, 2008
Crotchless panties and grandmas pearls
6 years to the day today you left the earth and its also the day you were born, my little firecracker. You are always with me on firecracker day. My thoughts are always of you and how you always made me laugh until my face utterly hurt, the crazy adventures we went on in the middle of the the night causing trouble in a small coastal town in California. Wearing monkey pajamas on the street and acting like everyone else was dressed like a freak, getting me searched and almost detained trying to get back into the U.S. because you couldn't stop singing at the boarder crossing! Offering to knock me up after i went crazy after the pinto bean died inside me, just to make me happy and smile again. How miraculously you produced soup, the only thing i wanted and couldn't shut up about, none of which we had in the house. Dancing to some loud rhythmic house music, two bowls of beef with barley balanced on both hands as you twirled into the living room at 7am in the goddamned morning.
You were not longed for this world, you were too good for it. You lived everyday the best most creative way you could even after you got sick and you always meant and still do mean so much to me. From that first day we met when you pretended to be the host of the party i ended up at and dragged me into the bedroom to take Polaroids, write captions and mock "the patio people". To the last time we spoke when you knew the end was near and you told me you loved me and had a moment of clarity to say good bye.. kindred spirits, two of a kind, peas in a pod? naw.. more like two balls in a bag. You loved me for me and you never faltered from that. You did your best to protect me from the illness that ravaged your body and brain, though i wish you would have let me in a little more to take care of you but i understand why you didn't.
So my dear Firecracker today is your day, the day the world produced you and the day it took you back and i will don my grandmas pearls, my best crotchless panties, drink to much and think of you as i swim in a pool of hookers and porn stars. I know you'd love that and if you were here you'd be right there with me egging me on to do something that would take us one step from the nut house or jail.
I miss you my long lost friend and where ever you are I'm sure you are twirling, laughing and being the center of attention as well you should be.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
9:46 AM
Labels: AIDS, death, firecracker, friends
Friday, June 27, 2008
He was visibly nervous and shaking like a leaf. I found it kinda amusing... at first. I tried to calm hi down a bit by speaking slowly, touching his arm when i spoke and remaing cool, calm and collected myself. as we got the small talk portion of the evening out of the way, I looked around the room spotted my envelope (i always like to know where it is) and noticed that there were no pictures on the walls and that all his belongings (books and video tapes) were ushered into piles in the 4 corners of the room. I asked him if he had lived there long as the place didn't look very lived in. he'd been there over 2 years.
I took him by the hand and asked him to take me to bed. His hands were sweaty and the shaking was still there. Again i did my best to calm him down but at this point i knew it was futile. he was oddly aggressive but scared to death. I tried to take the lead to set the pace but i finally gave up and let myself be the zombie rag doll he was looking for. He was obviously not well practised in the art of the female body but wanted to make sure he got all the high points in. i obliged as best i could.
when it came time to wrap it up and go for the gold he amateurishly pulled me to the edge of the bed so he could penetrate me while standing up.. umm okay I've always been a fan of that and when he slid inside me i decided to be quite vocal, and put on the big show, i know that's what he wanted and honestly try as i could i just couldn't get into the sex this time. it took him about 3 strokes to cum. he later told me it was because i was so vocal. Note to self nervous guys cum fast when you moan like a porn star. I can only imagine how fast it would have been if i had started to get into some dirty talk. Maybe my filthy mouth could i have gotten him to cum before he actually attempted to fuck me ....
i grabbed my envelope and headed for the door with a kiss on the cheek for him and 400 dollars for me.. he will call again. the nervous ones always do.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
9:50 AM
Labels: callgirl, escort, hobbyists, prostitution
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I woke up with a headache and frustrated. Why i don't know. Dreams of a broken camera danced in my head all night causing me to toss and turn and wake up and will my tired body back to sleep. I have a focus problem. Not just with my photography but with my life. Isn't that always the way. I went over my last set of film and i noticed i was unfocused more then my fair share. Are my sensors dirty or are my eyes? I have to correct this before my next scheduled shoot. Though i have a sneaking suspicion that the correction will be contact lenses or Lasik or some thing else just as paralyzing to me.
My camera focus issue is a metaphor for a life focus issue.. I'm becoming disenchanted with many aspects of my day to day life. Id love to blame this on the death of a life long friend that happened a couple of weeks ago and my refusal to deal with his demise. Or on raging hormones or how all of a sudden i emerged myself into a square job and its taking all my energy, thought and time.... but i can't. its not them, its me.
I have a "to do" list longer then my arm to keep track of the details. I never used to have to do that. I used to remember hundreds of projects and all their minor and major details off the top of my head. Am i out of practice or have i just somehow lost the ability to keep track of things?
“You can't depend on your judgment when your imagination is out of focus” ~~~~ Mark Twain
Maybe my imagination is out of focus, maybe that's my real focus problem. I'm trying to be imaginative, creative and positive..... but whats happening is depression and frustration. I'm not dreaming it, nor am i being it. I'm just letting "it" happen to me... once again.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:16 AM
Labels: depression, photography, photoshoot
Saturday, June 21, 2008
like a big pizza pie
Super extra busy over the last week or so and I've been blog neglectful. bad Jenny.. bad, bad Jenny. I swear i will write some dirty or naughty or at least more interesting stuff soon, besides "ohhh I'm sooooo busy, blah blah blah" but its true i am and im just not used to having to have to schedule my life like this.
I'm shooting all day tomorrow for the agency. They swore to me it's going to be an easy day, ha! I already have them figured out.... that's how they suck you in. Oh well call me little miss sucked in...
And now a personal observation... The full moon makes people crazy.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
12:20 AM
Labels: full moon
Friday, June 13, 2008
Walk in with a smile, walk out with a job
I had a meeting today to show my book to the CEO of a major modeling agency headquartered here in L.A. and hot damn if i didn't i book my first shoot with them on the spot! I have a solid body of work now and i found that selling your abilities in a face to face meeting with a power broker is a skill you never lose. I used to walk into the wolves to pitch and sell a concept daily when i was an AD and today i pitched and sold just like old times. A solid book and a little charm and fearless confidence still goes a long way in this town.
I'll be doing tests for their new faces division. It looks like an interesting team I'll be working with and I'm excited about it. I clicked real well with my contact and we seem to be on the same page creatively and that's always a huge plus. This is a great step forward for me in advancing my photo career. Now don't get me wrong i love shooting naked girls, but i also like to be challenged and try new things and it will be great fun to do some fitness and fashion models as well as some stuff with a much more commercial appeal.
I walked in with a smile and i walked out with a job.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
3:37 PM
Labels: photography
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Gettin' it all done in time
A girlfriend and i were talking about appointment lengths, she was considering extending her 1 hour to a 90 min minimum she was having issues with getting in everything within the allotted hour. It reminded me about another working girl friend of mine who says she knows exactly how much time has lapsed in an appointment to within a couple minutes. She's not looking at a clock or a watch or anything, she's just really good at perceiving time.
Time is always an issue, no one wants a "clock-watcher" but this is a timed event so there is a balance to achieve and a skill to getting everything in within the hour. I think I learned how to manage my time well when i was working in advertising. You had so much to do and so little time to get it done but you also didn't want to look like you were panicked and flustered. That would only come back to bite you in the ass a million different ways in that nasty world.
With a client you need to be able to converse, charm, flirt, make out, get oral, get down, relax, chat and give it a second go, all within one short hour. That's a lot to do in 60 mins but its not brain surgery, its sex and human interaction. Some clients make it easy for ya, they are charming, flirtatious and ready to go go go. Others are nervous and awkward and you need to gently coax it out of them. The real job here is to get clued into what the clients expectations are early on so that you have enough time left to meet them, or in my case attempt to exceed them. yeah yeah, I can't help it I'm an overachiever. If you are observant and looking you will find those cues and clues hunt them down like youre Nancy Drew and once you figure them out you're good to go. then getting all the highlights in in time is easy.
Once in a while i might go over time because i lose track of it. Yes, i can can fall victim to a charming man once in a while or i get so entranced by an interesting conversation or person that i realize the times almost up and i haven't even gotten naked yet. A certain fascinating malpractice attorney comes to mind, i will of course stay over to make sure i leave my companion a happy, happy man. For the most part an hour is plenty of time to get it all the required high notes in, the more you do this the keener your sense of time gets. I went over a lot more then i was just starting out and still in the middle of the very big learning curve then i do now. With any job the more you do it the more efficient you are at it. I personally prefer a 2 hour or longer tryst with my gentlemen callers because then the pressure if off entirely to cram everything in a hour time frame, its easier to just go with the flow...
...cuz if you cant seduce a ready and willing man in 2 hours, well you got bigger issues then managing your time!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
10:50 AM
Labels: callgirl, escort, hobbyists, money, prostitution, provider, sex work
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I bought a Flip©. So far i've filmed and edited one mini move. Don't get too excited its just of my my dog barking and running around my house (yeah i know how to give the masses what they want). I wanted to practice with my editing software and see what the quality of this little plug an play camcorder was all about and made a 30 second clip with cross fades, two titles and a swiped soundtrack. It;s not bad and its certainly fun and easy, i give it a thumps up and i plan on documenting some of my photo shoots coming up and seeing what else i can do with my new toy.
I'll take the Flip© to Pride next weekend, film the drag queens and the estimated 8,000 people celebrating gay pride and the fact that they can now get legally married. Usually pride has about 4,000 people this year its going to be off the hook.
so if you see me... don't forget to smile!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
1:20 AM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The Twitter Situation
Twitter refuses to uphold their TOS, denies responsibility or accountability to its users and the backlash is brutal. That's the story in one line but let me delve a little deeper.
Popular blogger and twitter user Ariel Waldman has been harassed. Several online communities/tools/utilities or whatever they would like to call themselves this week are being used to further that harassment. Ariel contacts the powers that be at Twitter and attempts to get them to intervene and uphold their TOS which clearly states.
" You must not abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate other Twitter users"
Twitter then cops the fuck out, in a huge way. Ariel blogs about her experience and there is much support. Twitter employees attempt to do some major damage control as this story spreads like wild fire across the blogosphere. They succeed in only making them look more irresponsible. They back peddle and go through a series of excuses. First it appears they say they are afraid to ban the abuser because of lawsuit retribution, then they say they will rewrite their TOS to remove that section because they are not a "community" website but a "utility" website, they then settle on the theory that Ariel wasn't abused enough to take action and uphold their TOS.
You can read all about this here and here and here and here, its everywhere.
Why am i writing about this social network site I'm not a part of nor have any desire to use? because it draws an interesting parallel to a small local provider/hobbyist community site based in OC and LA. They too refused to uphold their TOS when i was harassed by a member(s). I will not be naming them because i refuse to give them any publicity but those in the know .... KNOW who they are.
My harassment was 10 fold to what Ariel describes, i was called a "cunt" on so many occasions i cant keep count, i was accused of all manor of felonies and was chased around their "message board" in an attempt to ruin my reputation and in the escort biz your rep is pretty important. When i reached out to the administration i was denied help. I was told that banning abusive members was "too time consuming" or "futile" because the offending member would just "make a new account" that i should acquire a thicker skin, ignore the constant attacks or to leave the board. They passed the buck and told me to contact my local PD but took no action themselves. After the harassment reached the point where my real name was posted in their site, my personal information investigated and passed around though their system and links to my real life posted, I asked a high level administrator face to face what had to happen before they would take action and i got brushed off and shrugged off with the same "its futile" answer. I also came to know that while much of this harassment was going on one of the administrators of the site was involved. When i would write the anonymous "admin" account asking for intervention that often the one doing the harassing was the administrator i was contacting. That administrator was eventually removed because of an incident with another user who happened to be male and a lawyer. I suppose he was taken more seriously then me.
Eventually i opted to not participate on that site any longer because i felt my personal safety was compromised some really crazy things were going on, things i contacted my local PD about. Threats of kidnapping were the scariest. Outing of my personal information and the harassment i suffered on a daily basis really made it not worth it. I thought id take the out of sight out of mind approach. It continued without my presence on the board and does to this day. To date and to my knowledge no one has been censured, chastised reprimanded or admonished in any way for this behavior.
Recently the same site made a move at reinvention they now officially call themselves a "social networking site" my belief is they are trying to shield themselves from liability from running a prostitution message board. They now have a way to collect money to run the site and have a "community moderation" feature where you can delete members or silence them if enough of the community agree on the action. However that "feature" doesn't not abate them from responsibility or accountability to their users as they would like members to believe. This particular site has degenerated into a huge cluterfuck of nastiness. All it is, is people being abusive to each other, its painful to read.
There are situations where the administration will intervene and delete messages, silence members or delete accounts. There are 3 unspoken rules, they are listed no where on their site you're expected to "just know them" if you discuss law enforcement, drug usage, or that you have met other members of the site at a social function your posts mysteriously disappear. However on that site you are free to board stalk, demean, insult and harass other members with no recourse.
Its much more extreme then the Twitter situation but it boils down to the same core issue... Social Networking sites and their responsibility to their users. Some seem to want to not be responsible at all, they make excuses and don't step up to the plate. Harassment on the Internet is a serious issue and it seems to touch a lot of peoples lives. If you create a service/site/communications tool I submit you DO have a responsibility to your users. If you chose to turn a blind eye because it's too hard of an issue to deal with then you end up with what happened to this local prostitution site i was a member of..... it degenerates into crap, loses its usefulness and people no longer want to be associated with it.
So i again ask the question...what has to happen before this kind of online harassment is taken seriously? Does someone have to die for some of these new social networking sites to address this issue and to be responsible to their membership? They rely on the "its futile" "its only the Internet" "were the messenger" arguments to shield themselves from responsibility but will that really shield them when some thing tragic happens?
I hardly think so and i for one sure hope it never gets to that point but i like others see the writing on the wall.
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
8:59 PM
Labels: Ariel Waldman, message boards, prostitution, social networking, stalker, twitter
Monday, May 19, 2008
Oh Hell No!
If you live in a 5 million dollar house in the hills high above LA. If you spend half of the time you book with me bragging about your wealth and all that you have. If you expect me to be impressed with your material achievements and to visibly show you how impressed i am with many ohhs and ahhhs and oh wows and then expertly drop to my knees and suck your cock like a champ because you're such the big man on campus...
I'd be much more impressed with a couple extra bucks quietly slipped in my pocket then the boat you want to blah blah blah and endless drone on about ..... while i giggle and flip my hair like the Barbie doll you mistakenly thought i was.
Im sorry but pretending like i'm impressed with your stupid stuff .... is EXTRA.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Know your rights...
Today marks the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations. Bloggers all over the world are writing about human rights today to bring attention to the fact that all people are born with basic rights and freedoms that include life, liberty, and justice.
On that theme, I find it significant that today the California Supreme Court struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional. 4 long years in the making and its about damn time already.
"In contrast to earlier times, our state now recognizes that an individual's capacity to establish a loving and long-term committed relationship with another person and responsibly to care for and raise children does not depend upon the individual's sexual orientation,"
"We therefore conclude that in view of the substance and significance of the fundamental constitutional right to form a family relationship, the California Constitution properly must be interpreted to guarantee this basic civil right to all Californians, whether gay or heterosexual, and to same-sex couples as well as to opposite-sex couples."
MA is the only other state that allows same sex marriages though New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey and Connecticut permit civil unions. This decision is a victory for gay (and human) rights. The Gove-o-nator says he will not pursue this further. So California has set the tone, i wonder if the rest of the nation will follow suit. I for one hope they do, the Government shouldn't dictate to us who we can build a family with.
As for what our Presidential hopefuls think about the issue...
MaCain thinks this is a states rights issue and that all states should decide for themselves. Both Clinton and Obama oppose same sex marriages but support civil unions. All three oppose a constitutional amendment that bans same sex marriage. Whatever... they are all playing the semantics game and refusing to take a stand.
For shame on them all....
Know your rights!
...and now in California you have the right to marry the partner of your choice even if they are of the same sex!
from the mind of
Jenny DeMilo
1:01 PM
Labels: california law, human rights, same sex marriage