Monday, March 31, 2008

The evil time sucker

I attempted to have a computer free weekend. I thought maybe i could kick it for 2 days, yanno like one would kick coffee or more appropriately heroin. I thought maybe by distracting myself with marathons of Law and Order, many Starbucks runs and long hours with the man in my life trying to seduce him into groping me 24/7 would do the trick.

alas it did not work, though i greatly reduced my computer time over the weekend i did not succeed in a computer free weekend. I supposed i will try again another weekend to put the evil time sucker down.. err mean my laptop!


Therapeutic Ramblings said...

Good luck!!

I have Cell Phone Free Weekends....they are nice. I wouldn't want to do them with my laptop (more than a day)!

Jenny DeMilo said...

T.R.: yeah i try, but i have fail. someday i will have tech free weekend.... and someday my prince will come ;)

Therapeutic Ramblings said...

....hopefully multiple times!